The Odd Beginning

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---Brennan's POV---

I was in the middle of my convention on bones, when some tall man in a black suit ~kinda handsome~ walked in. Needed some kinda thing about a partnership. I don't know I just tried to finish talking about that 1500 year old bones showcase I had. As soon as I was done, I finally was stopped by him again.  He was hot. I admit, but rude for interrupting me.


"Hello, I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth. I was sent here to tell you that the Jeffersonian needs you on a case about a little girl's death, which has not been solved yet," Booth informed.

"What no?! I have turned down multiple requests from them for a reason! They should know I am the best in my class for old remains, not new ones! Tell the head of the field that I cannot. End of story," I Argued.

"Come on, don't be stubborn. Maybe they need you for a good reason. Now I know God damn well that the JEFFERSONIAN isn't just asking for someone for nothing. They obviously think your smarter than any intern and forensic anthropologist combined," Booth continued the argument.

*Brennan starts to walk away*

"Okay, be that way.  I'll just inform Cam that she'll have to find someone else!"  Booth continued to follow Brenna as she walked across the street.

I suddenly turned around to see his eyes staring in mine. I tried to resist the fact that in the heat of the moment I just wanted to kiss him and get over it. He was way to hot. I know I just met him, but he is... woo.. "Stop following me or I can arrest you for stalking. I'll have to explain to Caroline, but she'll make an exception," I tried to hide a smirk and turned back around to walk again.

"Temperance Brennan, your under arrest for attempt to walk away from an FBI agent," Booth said as he grabbed my arm and turned me around so I was looking at him. He didn't let go of my arm. "So uh... I have a confession. I have a gambling problem... And if you take this job, I'll try to stop.. please?"

I smirked a little, "Fine." That was all I had to say, when suddenly he grabbed my other arm and kissed me. I was in shock. Complete shock. Who knew what would come in the future. He  must have thought I was hot as well, judging how he passionately kissed me.

My life doesn't revolve around looks. I could tell how his personality was just from how he wouldn't give up.

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