Chapter 2-Going Once

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Throughout the journey to somewhere, Kai slipped in and out of consciousness. His waking moments consisted of people stuffing food into his mouth, cursing at him for being so weak, or being tied to a wolf as they travelled. He would've loved to ask where they were, who they were, why they had randomly attacked him, and why they had called him a spirit when he was clearly solid. But sadly, he felt so weak that even talking was practically impossible.

He now required food and sleep, unlike before when he was randomly wandering around. It was both a blessing and a curse; it made him feel human, but at the same time it made him feel weak.

"How long did this stupid spirit forgo eating for it to become this weak after putting on restraints?" One of the men used his foot to nudge Kai.

"I know right? Even the other spirits we caught didn't have this bad of a relapse, and some of them were of the lowest caste."

Someone stuffed something into Kai's mouth.

"Eat," he ordered.

Kai bit down, feeling the frozen food shatter within his mouth. He didn't know why they kept feeding him frozen food, but for some reason said frozen meal was easy to chew and eat so Kai wasn't complaining.

Their surroundings had changed greatly over the unknown amount of time Kai was captured. The snowy landscape shifted into a green jungle, and he could've sworn that he even saw some houses in the distance sometimes.

Like a panda, after eating a bout of drowsiness swept over him, tugging him back into the embrace of sleep. Sleep was a beautiful feeling. Kai even dreamt that he was back at home, talking to his friends and telling them about what a horrible plac-

Someone slapped Kai awake. Hard.

Kai's eyes snapped open, a small spike of adrenaline giving him the energy to turn his head. He seemed to be in a dank room. He hadn't had much interaction with the other captives, considering that he was asleep most of the time, but he could identify a couple of them here in the room with him by their white hair and weird light-blue tribal tattoos. However, they were trapped in cages with a desolate look on their faces.

Kai was sitting on a chair. He wasn't placed in a cage like the others, but with the amount of energy he had it didn't make much of a difference. One of the people who captured him was in front of him, wearing casual clothes instead of the winter wear he often saw them in. Said captor promptly slapped Kai again as if to make sure that he was awake.

"Rise and shine, beauty," the man smirked, popping open the cork to a bottle filled with suspicious pink liquid. "It's time to prove your worth."

Then, he shoved the bottle filled with suspicious liquid down Kai's throat. 

"If you dare to spill any of it, I'll let my men give you a little 'visit' before we sell you off," the man threatened.

Kai made sure to swallow every last drop of pink liquid. Even if it was poison, he was practically half-dead anyways. And to tell the truth, sleeping all the time wasn't actually that fun.

So drink he did. Kai didn't know what kind of freezer this guy put the liquid in, but it felt like drinking ice. It was so cold that he swore he almost got a brain freeze.

It was odd, but after drinking the liquid, Kai felt more awake. Ever since he had received the restraints, he always felt the drowsiness of sleep. It was like that moment when a person first wakes up, and decides to go back to sleep, and the cycle continues before they are forced to actually wake up. Except Kai never reached the stage of getting up; he simply always fell asleep.

But now, he felt like he could actually stand up. He felt like he could stand up and punch his captor right in the face.

Right when he was about to seriously contemplate doing just that, someone else walked into the room.

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