"Well. I don't want o be rude but. An apology won't bring that baby back as neither will it take the pain away from my girlfriend." Alex said softly making Piper squeeze her hand.

"Sorry. Fiancé."

He nodded his head slowly. "I will do my best but as of now the baby needs to be removed from her and we'll go from there. Of course I won't be doing that though." He turned on his heel and walked away.

"Remove what baby?" Piper asked sitting up.

"That doctor inseminated you. You had a miscarriage and now that baby has to be removed. You were meant to get your blood drawn and tests. But he mixed up the charts and now we're here. I HIGHLY apologize and suing is an option if you would like." The nurse swallowed and rocked back and forth.

"Oh no oh no. No suing I'm a nice person. And you seem like a nice lady. As long as I don't die under your watch my fiancé won't sue." Piper smiled and tapped her hands on the blanket making Alex laugh and rub her nose.

"Okay, thank you so much ma'am and also congratulations to you two you make a beautiful couple." She smiled and walked off.

"How the..... miscarriage wow. But how did I even have a miscarriage. Oh my god! Alex does this mean.. whenever we're ready.. I won't be able to carry anymore kids. Oh n.." She put her hands on her face and began to cry.

"Pipes calm down. That's not what this means. Maybe the donor was missing something. We won't know unless we ask or try. There is nothing wrong with you. I promise." Alex grabbed pipers hands and rubbed them.

"Al.. can you just hold me?"

"Of course." Piper scooted over giving Alex room to lay next to her. She slid under the covers and put one arm under pipers neck and the other across her stomach. "You'll be okay baby." Alex told her and kissed her head.

She hated to see Piper this hurt. Nothing broke her heart more than Piper's tears and blood. "Alex." Piper whispered softly with a semi-crack in her voice.

"Yea pipes?"

"You know we only dated for one day? And you just proposed to me. While I'm in a hospital bed. That's crazy making and people are gonna call me a slut. I ca.." Alex put her hand on the right of pipers cheek and made her face her.

"Pipes, no one will call you that. And if anyone does I'll just have to beat their ass. I do know we only dated for a day but Piper were adults. I've known you for 4 months and I already know you like the back of my hand, like every strand of my hair. I love you and I don't know how I didn't see that the first time I saw your eyes." Alex smoothed down Piper's hair and kissed her lips.

"I love you too al." She exhaled into the kiss closing her eyes and grabbing Alex's shirt.

There was a knock on the door. "We're ready when you are Chapman....?" A deep, male voice came from the door.

"Whatever works for you." Piper laughed sitting up. Alex grabbed their hands and gripped it tightly.

"You'll get through it I promise." She kissed her hand lightly and got out of the bed.

"Alex please don't leave me. I'm scared please.. no." Before she walked out she gave Piper a lingering kiss on her lips. "I love you." Were the last words she said before she walked out.

10-15 minutes later, Alex couldn't help but feel bad. She was chewing on her thumb and pacing the small area of the hallway.

"Hey Jet. She doing okay in there?" Franky asked with Bea behind her scaring Alex.

"God you two are like yin and yang. Never apart." Alex dropped her hands and slid down the wall putting her head in her knees.

"The question Jet! The question!" Bea yelled hitting Alex upside her head.

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