Welcome To The Madhouse

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   “Welcome to Arkham Asylum.” Dr. Leland introduces, as she and I walk through to the main courtyard, “We’re very glad you could join us here at the asylum, you have no idea how badly we’re in need of new doctors.”

“Not a problem Dr. Leland, I’m here to help.” I tell her straightforwardly, clutching my travel bag as the taxi that brought me in hurriedly speeds off.

“It’s certainly a surprise that someone of your...resume would decide to take a job as a psychiatrist.” she comments.

If I was her I’d agree. She’s clearly not very enthused to be here, but her well-trimmed short hair, designer glasses and small but classy earrings suggest that she enjoys the generous pay the doctors receive.

“Well, originally, I tried running a private practice in the city, but I guess no one in Gotham is interested in therapy.”

We arrive at the main gate. Two large security guards wave us in, while we’re eyed by the four in the two parallel watchtowers.

She looks at her clipboard, “Yes, well, uhm...Dr. Kawa...Dr. Kawaca…”

“Dr. Kawacatoose, but most people just refer to me as Dr. K. Much easier.”

“Yes, of course, Dr. K. Well, since the asylum is currently heavily under-staffed at the moment, I’ll be your supervisor. You have read about the asylum’s special arrangements for our psychiatrists, correct?” she asks.

I nod, brushing my long brown hair out of my face as I look up at the daunting Arkham Manor, “All of the doctors are to be residing in Arkham full time. I know in my contract I get every other weekend off but otherwise, I’m here.”

She unhinges something from her clipboard and hands it to me. It’s my security keycard, with my full name and an ID picture to match.

We walk up the steps of Arkham Manor, where we must once again pass through security. Once we’re in the manor, however, the atmosphere changes completely. The building is warmly lit, with shiny hardwood floors and portraits of various doctors and asylum directors.

“Your room is on the third floor. I’m sorry to have to bring you on right away, but you’ll be seeing your first patient in about half an hour. His file is in your room, here’s your key.” she hands me a bronze-colored key, “I’ll meet you in the Penitentiary in that time. Don’t worry, this one’s an easy one, totally harmless.”

I try my best not to frown, I was hoping for something more of a challenge, “That’s fine. Thank you, Dr. Leland.”

I carry my bag up to my the third floor, find my room and open it with the key. It’s pretty standard fair, a bed, desk, lamp, wooden dresser and a window with a view of the asylum. The moon shines brightly as it peeks just slightly over the asylum’s tallest building, which I can only assume is Intensive Treatment, where I should really be working. I check my watch and figure I can do some quick unpacking before heading to the Penitentiary to meet Dr. Leland. After I’m finished,  I grab the patient file on the windowsill:


Patient Name: Charles “Chuck” Brown former alias “Kite Man”

Age: 64

Sentence Term: Life Sentence

Previous Diagnostics: Minor OCD, possible PTSD

Additional Notes: one of Arkham’s first patients, already served forty straight years at Arkham, physically harmless, obsession with kites, possible childhood trauma


   I read through the file as I exit my room and leave for the Penitentiary. The bright signs at every building entrance make it easy to find it and I also find Dr. Leland waiting for me at the entrance,

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