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Steve's POV

" She is nowhere to be found, sir." One of my men said.

" What do you mean by nowhere to be found?" I growled.

" Sir, we have searched for whole the city around Seattle. But she is nowhere." He said.

" Why the hell am I keeping you guys?!!" I gritted.

It's been 3 days since she left. Didn't even gave a reason for leaving. Just did a little thing wrote something stupid in the mirror and left. I was wondering if she is ok. I don't care if she has ran away my only concern is her safety. I don't know where she is, how she is. I just was praying for her safety. Now that people know that she is my wife then many will try to hurt her to get revenge on me. Hell!!! I will never ever let that happen. I will find her out by hook or crook.

" Try harder. I want her in front of me in 48 hours. If you failed to find her out then you are dead." I said coldly.

" Sir, we are trying our best." One of them said.

" Send people around America, Asia and Europe. She has connection with these places. Just find her out anyhow." I gritted. They walked out of my room.

I looked at my phone. I found her smiling face appeared in front of me. It was on our wedding day. She was smiling. A smile which always makes me feel the peace and makes my heart fluttered. I caressed her. I don't know why did she ran away. Just why?!

I love this girl since the day I first saw her when we were kids. I might not understand what love is that time but she was being that little doll with mesmerizing beauty. I first saw her when I was 10 and she was 5. I still remember she was wearing a red frock and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail which was moving everytime she was moving her head. She was holding her teddy tightly more like dragging it with her. When I asked her if she will play with me she shook her head saying no. How cute she was!!! She still is cute but she grown up as a beautiful woman. I was extremely attracted to her as a kid. She was like always my ultimate crush. As we grown up I thought this feeling will fade away but it didn't. It started to become stronger day by day. I couldn't stop myself from loving her. It was like a magnet pulling me towards her. I just fall for her more by every passing moment. I tried to pull myself away from her cast but it was so intoxicated. I couldn't stop myself no matter how hard I wanted to do that. She was an impression at first but now she has just became my obsession. 

She had a lovely family once. Her mom used to work as my grandma's PA until one day she and her husband died in a car crash leaving Cindy alone with those money suckers. I can't believe how greedy they are until they wanted to sell her in a prostitution ring. I fisted my hands. How can those bloody people do this!!!

Cindy started to work at our clothing line a few months back. I had a plan to make things perfect between us. But everything messed when I found their evil plan. I found out that they are trying to get her married  with Marshall who was good for nothing. Basically they were trading her for 5 millions. I was extremely angry with this act of their. They were basically selling her off. I really wanted to save her. My love for her is true. I have never ever faked it. If they were going to get her married with a good person and if she would be happy with that I would never ever interfere cause the most important thing for me is her happiness. Nothing comes before that not even I myself. I just wanted to protect her from getting hurt.

I knew if I stop them once they won't stop it. They will try to hurt her again. So I was thinking for a permanent solution when my grandma told me that their greed can be down only by money. They don't want a groom for Cindy they just want money. Whoever will give them more money they will marry her off with him. Money is not a problem. But still trading her was nowhere in my dictionary. I wasn't ready to accept this ever until my mom also started to say this is the best way to come out of this situation without harming ours or Cindy's reputation.

I was going to tell her everything once we were alone but she just left me alone there. I was so messed that time. I am messed right now. I want her back right here with me.

God, save her when I am not with her. My heart was praying. What if someone tries to hurt her!! What if she is not able to help herself?!! What if... Urrrghh!!! I threw my phone somewhere. It broke with a loud thud. I wasn't able to think straight. I was terribly tensed and angry as well. I think I am loosing my temper now which is not at all good for me. The door of my room opened and someone entered.

" Just leave me alone!!! I don't want to listen to anyone right now." I barked.

" Calm down, Bro." I heard Patrick's voice who was my sister's husband.

" I am not in any mood of talking now." I said.

" You might want to check this." He gave me his laptop.

" What is this?" I asked him.

" This is the travel agency she called before she disappeared. May be we can find her out from this. I called them and they ensured that she booked a ticket for Paris." He said.

" Alright, inform the pilot to get the jet ready. We are going to Paris tomorrow morning." I said.

" Before that we had to make sure if she has really gone to Paris. But none of the airports of Paris are saying her passport was verified there." He said.

" Don't play this puzzle with me. Just come to the point." I said.

" Customs of Seattle is saying she got a flight to Melbourne not Paris. I think she wanted to confuse us. I must say she has all quality to be Mrs. Blankfein." He said and chuckled. " Clever, Cunning and tricky. Perfect combination to handle you, Bro. Perfect match for you." He laughed. I sighed.

You have a lot to explain, babe. A lot of explanation you need to do once I get my hold on you.

" Get the jet ready. We are leaving now." I gritted.

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