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2D had set himself on the living room couch, face in his hands. His breathing was heavy and fast, and he needed a way to calm himself down. He didn't know why he reacted like that. But the more he thought about it, the more he thought about Murdoc. Old goth always has a way of tormenting him, even if he's not here. He lifted his face from his head and looked at his journal, which he had set on the coffee table. Picking it up, he threw it across the room and it almost hit Ace, who was entering the living quarters hoping to find the singer. He picked up the journal that landed in front of him and set his bass behind the couch 2D was sitting on. 

"Hey buddy, I'm sorry I hit you like that back there. It's just something that I'm used to doing, you know, kinda like high fiving." He apologized. There was no reply from 2D, he just sat there and stared at the blank TV screen in front of them, like he was being hypnotized or something. Ace could feel his nerves building up. He set the journal back on the coffee table.

"Look, I just want to let you know that I'm sorry and I didn't mean any harm back there." He said. He was now twidling with his fingers. 2D finally snapped out of it and looked at Ace. He took a deep breath in and let it all out.

"No Ace it's fine. I panicked and I lost control of myself. I didn't mean to make you worry." 2D said. Then there came that awkward silence again.

"Well, can you at least tell me why you lost control." Ace felt his voice crack and loosen up. He made a dist with his hands. Why was he feeling this nervous? It wasn't like he was asking 2D to marry him. 2D, on the other hand, wasn't sure he was ready to share that with Ace yet. They have only known each other for about an hour and even though he seemed like a pretty cool guy, he couldn't quite trust him yet. You see, 2D had a problem with trusting people and you could thank Murdoc for that.

"Um, I don't think I can. Right now." He felt his gaze shift towards Ace's eyes. 2D could tell that he felt really upset. After all, he was trying to be a good person around him. Maybe he could try trusting him more.

"It's fine, I understand." Ace gave him a weak smile and got up, took his bass and went for the living room entrance. "Well, I'm going to unpack. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, see you later." 2D sighed in disappointment. He always found a way to ruin everything, just when things seemed to be getting better. He sat on the couch and flipped through his journal, scribbling random things inside. 

Minutes later, Noodle came bursting through the front door. She came into the living room and sat down next to the moping 2D.

"That jog did me a lot of good. You guys should join me sometime." When she didn't get a response from 2D she immediately assumed that something was wrong.

"Hey Stuart, you alright? What's the matter?" 2D turned over to look at her and she could see that there were slight tears on his eyes.

"I think Ace doesn't like me anymore." He sniffed and rubbed his eyes.

"Why do you think that? Ace doesn't usually go around hating anyone like that you know? He's a pretty nice guy." Noodle said.

"Well, we were working on a song together—"

"Wow! That's great! Do you think you could show me and Russ sometime?" She interrupted. "Sorry, go on."

"And then I showed him my lyrics so he showed me a tune. That's when he started playing and I started singing along."

"Yeah? I don't see anything wrong with that,"

"Well, then he gently slapped me on my back, but it kinda caught me off guard so I got up and left. After that, he came into the living room, where I almost hit him in the face with my journal, but I didn't know he was standing there. Worst of all, he asked me if I was fine but I just kinda pushed him away."

"Wow. That would make him feel a bit unwanted. Well, I suggest that you go talk to him. Tell him that you didn't mean to make him feel upset. Say, where is Ace?"

"He's in his room, unpacking."

"That's great! You can ask him if he needs any help. Show him some kindness and I'm sure in time he'll grow to like you. And you'll probably gro to like him too. Trust me. Now I've got to go take a shower, get all of this sweat off me. Tell me how it goes later okay?" Noodle said as she climbed up the stairs.

"Okay." He waited for a minute before heading up the stairs. He dragged his lanky body to Ace's door, which was right next to his room. 2D hesitated for a bit before mustering up the courage to knock on the wooden door. Footsteps approached the door.

"Who is it?" Ace asked. His voice was back to its playful self.

"It's me, 2D."

"You may enter," 2D opened the door and stepped inside. The room was fairly empty except for a few posters that were hung up on the walls.

"Hey, um I-I just wanted to say sorry. You know, for earlier. You just kinda caught me off guard back there but I didn't mean any harm."

"No, it's okay. I understand that you've been through a lot. And you don't have to tell me now. In fact, you don't have to tell me at all but I just wanted to make sure that you okay and that I didn't hurt you. It's just a part of me you know? My personality."

"Yeah, I can tell that you're a pretty hyperactive guy. Not that it's a bad thing! I could probably use some of that energy myself. B-but if you could j-just give me some t-time I'll grow to trust you more. I'm just not that good at meeting new people. And you don't have to stop your whole back slaps thing if it's too hard for you."

"It's okay. In time, I will also get to know you even more. But maybe I could just start off with this?" Ace gently placed his hand on 2D's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Is this good? Or is it still too much?" 2D looked back at him and smiled.

"No, this is fine," He started. "So I know this sounds corny but, friends?" He held out his hand to Ace's.

"Friends." He shook 2D's hand and smiled right back at him.

"So do you need any help with unpacking or anything else?"

"Yeah, I could use some help putting these shirts into my closet. I figured it was going to take a while, that's why I got started. I do plan on finishing unpacking everything before noon though. I want to sit down and get to know you guys better."

"That sounds great! Let me help you."

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