Markus x Quentin

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Dedicated to/requested by; @myllol

"A Vampire." Markus looked up from his paperwork, glancing at his mate, Quentin, who was seated on the couch in his office. 

"... What?"

"You asked me what I was gonna be for Halloween."

Markus frowned. "But, you're already-"

"I know. No costume needed." Quentin grinned at his ingenious plan, but Markus continued to frown.

"But... I wanted... I wanted to wear matching costumes." Markus pouted.

Quentin blushed red at Markus's declaration. Is that why he'd been asking? Because he wanted to coordinate his own costume with Quentin's? Quentin suddenly felt bad for the sarcastic reply he'd given moments ago. Coughing, he looked down. "Then... what do you want to be?"

Markus smiled. "Your mate!" A pillow from the couch landed on Markus's face, making him chuckle at his mate's embarrassment. "Okay, really. I'd like for us to do something together."

"We do everything together already."

Markus thought carefully for a moment. "Okay, then, why don't we choose each other's costume?" Quentin sat up, his interest piqued. "I'll choose a costume for you, and you'll choose one for me, and we'll only know what they are on Halloween, when we put them on for the party Kyran invited us to. How does that sound?"

Quentin grinned. "Let's do it."


Quentin stared down into the bag in his hand, cursing Markus's very essence with his whole being. Why oh why did he ever agree to this stupid joke? Why... It's because of Markus. Quentin sighed. He knew for a fact that he was weak to those puppy dog eyes, but he couldn't help himself. When Markus looked like that, he... He just felt so guilty. And that would probably be his downfall in the future. 

A knock on the door startled Quentin out of his thoughts. "Hey, Quentin, are you ready?" Markus's voice echoed from behind the door. 

Quentin shook his head, despite knowing Markus couldn't see it. "N-Not yet."

"Okay, I'll be waiting in the living room."

Footsteps faded away from the door and Quentin turned back to the bag, sighing heavily before he finally decided to reach for it, removing it's contents. Shoving his costume on, Quentin looked himself over in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. Walking as slowly as he could, Quentin made his way downstairs. 

As promised, Markus was waiting for him on the couch in the living room, dressed in his costume. Quentin almost smiled, but remembered he was in a similar predicament. Markus was dressed in a three piece suit, but instead of the usual black it was bright red. He also had on a headband with bunny ears, a bunny tail, and carrot cufflinks. When he saw Quentin coming over he began to smile. "See? Wasn't this fun?"

"Absolutely not." Quentin scowled. "Why would you ever pick a costume like this?"

Markus stood up, walking over and brushing his hand against Quentin's cheek. "I thought you'd look adorable in it, and I was right." He paused for a moment and smiled. "Well, I mean, you were adorable before, so I suppose this costume just complimented that. It was made for you."

Quentin tried really hard to roll his eyes, but couldn't take them off of Markus. So instead he just bit his lip and tried to glare, which was also really hard because he couldn't stop blushing. "Now, shall we get going? Kyran is expecting us to be there soon."

Holding out his hand, Markus waited for Quentin to take it. Quentin was half tempted to yell 'Are you crazy? I can't go there in this!' But couldn't seem to force the words out. So, begrudgingly, he took hold of Markus's hand, and they set off for Kyran's house to celebrate Halloween.

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