Canajane- Devil May Care

Start from the beginning

The devil frowned, brows going together. Cana angled her head at the boys as discreetly as she could, and Mira's mouth made an "o" shape, understanding lighting up in her blue eyes. "Let's go then."

Cana stood up first, extending a hand and helping her 'new friend' up. As they walked past the jeering crowd, Mirajane plucked a flip phone from one of the frat boy's hand -the one who'd taken a picture of them- and snapped the phone in half.

Jaws dropped and Mirajane dropped the broken pieces into his disbelieving hands, smiling sweetly. "I hope you have insurance."

Cana snorted, "I hope not."

Then the two girls left on each other's arms, not a care in the world except for each other. They stumbled into the street, their heeled shoes scuffing on the gravel.

Cana giggled into Mirajane's silky silver hair. "I can't believe you broke his phone."

Mirajane arched an eyebrow, "Should I not have?" The look was enough to send men and women alike to their knees. Cana's own legs wobbled beneath her, but that might just be the alcohol.

"It was so savage, like damn girl." Cana whistled.

Mirajane ducked her head, tugging on a silver lock, but she couldn't hide the small smile that formed on her mouth. It made Cana's heart swell. Mirajane looked up, catching Cana's stare. Her sapphire eyes sparkled with almost childlike glee and mischief, but nothing about this woman was childish. She was the model of maturity, the air of someone who knew damn well what they were doing.

Cana looked to the side, clearing her throat. "So where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere." Mira leaned into her, teeth dragging across her ear lobe, clicking against her dangly earrings. "As long as I'm with you."

Well, damn.

Cana felt heat creep up her neck and cheeks, the moisture of the humid air sticking to her skin. Mira's eyes were fogged over, her sharp cheekbones shimmering in the golden street lamps.

"A bar?" The brunette suggested, going with the first thing her mind supplied.

"Hmm. Too crowded. I wanna have you all to myself." Mirajane pouted prettily.

"Uh." Cana desperately tried to think of something, but Mirajane was making thinking rather difficult.

She really needed a drink. A shot of liquid courage to keep herself from fumbling around the drop dead gorgeous girl on her arm. The same girl that was currently playing her female leaning heart like a fiddle. Then, a thought crept into her mind. A place, all to themselves, it was just down the road... Cana shook her head. No that wouldn't do, Mirajane was a classy lady, she wasn't gonna take her to some rundown-

"What is it?" Mirajane asked, sensing the change in her mood.

"Well there is one place..." Cana trailed off, her cheeks heating. Why was she so self conscious? She was Cana Alberona, the wild partier who didn't care about what anyone thought of her. What was this woman doing to her?

"Ooh, do tell." Mirajane pressed against her, insistent.

"An old abandoned building, just down the road and over the hill. I stashed some alcohol there after my dad tried to clean out my apartment. We could knock back a few and-"

"-Get messy." Mirajane suggested, like the devil she was.

Cana's core pooled with warmth, her stomach an electrified coil. She swallowed thickly. "Y-Yeah."

Mira giggled behind her knuckles. "Lead the way, my fair lady."

The 'fair lady' curtsied, placing a kiss to the back of Mira's knuckles, violet eyes playful. "With pleasure."

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