"Hey Kingston!" Tay said

"Hey-" she then realized it wasn't me it was her idol...

She smiled so big!!!



It was a long call. Taylor and Kingston bonded.

It was time for the boys to go on stage. I went to my seat, in the front.


"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" The boys said in unison.

I ran to there dressing room.

"Guys that was AWESOME!" I shouted.

"Thank you." Corbyn said.

"I have to go now, my daughter needs me!" I said as if I was a superhero.

We said our goodbyes and I hopped in a taxi.


I found my two loves eating macaroni and cheese?

"MOM HELP HE CAN'T COOK! WE NEED FOOD!" Kingston said dramatically.

I got my phone and dialled the number for pizza hut.
I ordered 2 pepperoni pizzas

I heard a knock at the door. It wasn't the pizza man or pizza woman. It was the one and only Taylor Swift. She pulled me outside.

"I noticed Kingston was sad so I got Daniel to tell me where you live. I want to tell her hi if that's okay with you."

"Of course!"

"Kingston someone wants to see you!" I shouted.

She ran in and stopped. Starstruck. She started to tear up.

"Hi baby girl." Taylor said as she got down on her knees to be eye level with King.

"Hey Taylor can I show you something, it's in my room."

She nodded and followed her.

Kingston's POV

I want to show Taylor the letter I wrote her.

I opened the door. She walked in and observed the many photos of her on my wall. I forgot.

I grabbed the letter and gave it to her. She opened it and began reading it.

(The letter)

Dear Taylor,

Hey Tay, I wanted to tell you some stuff that I trust you with I don't really have many friends so I can't tell them if they're non existent, and I don't want to tell my parents because well I just don't want to. Okay well lately my family and I have been getting lots of hate. I know this has happened to you with your relationship. Can you help me? I don't want to keep crying myself to sleep every night. Or thinking about doing anything crazy. Please respond if possible. Thank you.

Your biggest fan, Kingston Donnelly Manheim🐍💕


Taylor was crying.

"I'm so sorry babe you can hang out with me tonight if you want. You can meet Meredith and Olivia, you wanna come?"

"Yes ma'am I have to ask my mom first."

We walked back to where my parents were. They looked at Taylor with concern because her eyes were red.

"Can I spend the night with Taylor?"


I went to pack my stuff, Majority of my clothing was Taylor merch.
I was all packed. I gavey mom and dad a hug, then I left.

Meg's POV

Why was Taylor crying? What did Kingston say. Oh God. Milo and I are gonna go on a date. It's been ages. I'll fill everyone in after.

I'm a nervous wreck. I see him everyday. Why am I nervous?my hands are sweaty. AH!


We got seated at Olive garden. It's my favorite restaurant.

"What would you like to drink?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have a water." I said

"I'll have the same."

"Are you ready to order?"

"Yes sir, I'll have spaghetti with meat sauce and can we have a salad with ranch." Milo stated.

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