Chapter Thirteen

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"I'm going to go for a walk." Katsuna said after helping out with some of the chores around the brawlers HQ.

"Okay." Shun said walking up to her and kissing her on the lips. "Be careful."

"I will, love." she smiled at them and headed out of the HQ, deciding to walk around an area nearby the camper, taking in the scenery of New Vestroia." Leo, your home is so beautiful... We will get it back for you, I promise.

"Thank you Kat, although, anywhere is home where you are my friend." Leo said sincerely.

"Awe, Leo." Kat giggled hugging Leonidas to her cheek.

"Aw, cut the mushy crap!" said a man with spiked up white hair in a darkus outfit, who was clearly with the vexos. "Man, your are a pretty one aren't ya?" He cackled. "Hydron is gonna love you!" He let out a weird laugh.

"L-Leave me alone! You're Shadow, apart of  the vexos! Mira told me about you..." Katsuna said, feeling uncomfortable. 

"That's right! And you're coming with me!" Shadow shouted, lugging her over his shoulder. 

"H-Hey! Put me down!" she screamed as Leo escaped to go and tell someone as Shadow made his escape with Katsuna.


Leo made his way back into the camper and went straight to Shun. "Shun!"

"Huh?" Shun reacted looking to Leo who floated in front of him. Shun held out his hand to Leo to rest upon. "What's wrong, where's Kat?"

"That's the issue... she's been taken." Leo breathed.

"What?! What do you mean taken?!" 

"Shadow.. came and took her... saying how Hydron would like her. I don't know what he meant by it.. but it can't be good." 

Shun's brows furrowed, determined to get her back, yet very worried at the same time. "We'll get her back. We should go let the others know though, so we get our priorities in check."

"Right." Leo responded as Shun headed to the main room, getting Dan and Mira's attention.

"Hey man, whats up?" Dan asked, his hands behind his head.

"Katsuna's been kidnapped." Shun said, getting right to the point.

"Wait what?" Mira asked, a bit shocked. Shun now had the attention of everyone.

"The Vexos that goes by the name of Shadow took her. Mentioning someone named Hydron, saying he would like her which worries me." Leo explained, trailing off near the end as he goes into thought.

"Then we'll have to go and get her right? Even though it's a setback to take down Alpha City.. shes still a priority." Ace replied. "Let's get ready to head out."

Shun nodded, everyone quickly getting ready and eventually making their way out to rescue Katsuna.

A/N: Hey! I'm back! Sorry I went MIA, I took a break for my mental health.  College has been stressful. I shall update more for you. I'm sorry for making you wait. X.X thank you for sticking around! ❤

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