True hatred or maybe not

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Belle's POV

I was sitting in my godfathers classroom brewing a difficult potion when low and behold woody turned up.

"Belle." He said

"How do you know my name" I spat never looking at him.

"Found the only person in Gryffindor you like" he said moving a seat to sit down on the other side of the room.

"Well congratulations you know my name, now Woody why are you here?" I asked while pouring some potion int to the flask on my desk.

"Well I have my first lesson here and I wanted to talk too-"

I blacked out.

Oliver's POV

Belle had just passed out on the table, her potion had exploded straight in her face and it was getting hard to breathe in the room so I ran over to her, picked her up bridal style and ran her to the hospital wing.

Luckily nobody saw me carrying Belle otherwise people would of talked.

As I arrived at the hospital wing madam Pomfrey told me which bed to lie her down on while I got checked over to see what damage had been done.

I was fortunately ok, but Belle wasn't as fortune, I was told to stay in the hospital wing for the rest of the day, so I sat with Belle mostly making sure she was ok.
At lunch Mason turned up.

"Hi Oliver." He said

"Hi. Mason isn't it" I said never taking my eyes off Belle.

"Yeah, what happened, I'm dragged out of class by Snape and told Belle is in the hospital with you." He said sitting opposite and grabbing her hand.

"I guess you two are close" I said seeing that hes grabbed her hand.

"Dead close, we have known each other for about 2 years, she really nice and loyal, shes a little shaken up tho, Snape asked me to keep an eye on her." Mason said, "my boyfriend will tell you shes like my little sister." He added on.

I had to smile, they were obviously so close.

"Do you know the potion she was brewing Mr Wood." Madam Pomfrey asked.

"No I didn't but I know it was difficult because it was an advance potions book" I said as Mason piped up.

"I know what potion it was, because the potion was for me, you know for my condition." He looked at his hands that were shaking.

After lunch, Mason had left and I was given some chocolate to eat, to keep my energy levels up.
It was nice to see Belle so relaxed and peaceful, so silent, so, I dont have enough words in my vocabulary to described her.
Shes just so, perfect.

After the day had ended I was told to go back to my common room, tbh I didn't want to leave her side, at least till Mason got here but madam Pomfrey dragged me out and told me to get some rest.
You never know we might by friends in the end instead of the true hatred we have going at the moment.

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