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It'd been a whole day and still, you'd heard next to nothing from your infamously annoying internet friend. Worry began to consume you and though your pride would not let you before, you picked up your phone and raced to the direct messages between you and them, typing up a very irritated but composed message.

backtfupplzthnx: Hey there, I've been wondering where you've been\

"No, no, no. I can't send that; it'll sound like I'm flirting!" Quickly, you rewrite your text.

backtfupplzthnx: So, it's been a day..\

A minute goes by and you decide it's safe to send. Within seconds, an icon appears below your message, indicating the text had been read. Your breath hitches as they start typing, and a fleeting ping sound makes your heart jump.

igethoes123: yeah, sorry about that haha. i didn't mean to ghost to you. i just got busy all of a sudden and didn't have time to chat.

"Oh, okay, that makes sense." A breath of relief escapes you and you respond:

backtfupplzthnx: No, it's fine! I just got worried...
igethoes123: OMG great to know you care abt me!! 👀💞
backtfupplzthnx: I didn't say that, but sure. Anyways, what are you up to?
igethoes123: going to school like a big Loser 😩
backtfupplzthnx: About that... How old are you actually?
igethoes123: y? worried abt catching a case? i won't tell if u don't 😉
backtfupplzthnx: No!! We're not doing that. We're not. I just want to know how old you are since you're going to school. Really.
igethoes123: you don't gotta worry backtfup-san, i'm one of the Big Kidz 😎😎
backtfupplzthnx: Backtfup-san?
igethoes123: thats you fam
backtfupplzthnx: That's not my name.
igethoes123: well idk ur name and you won't tell me
backtfupplzthnx: Well, I don't know your name or your age and you won't tell me.
igethoes123: my name is IGetHoes123
backtfupplzthnx: No, it's not.
igethoes123: you dont know that. my parents mighta named me this. I quite believe my name fits me. my parents must have been psychics to see the success so far into my future 👼
backtfupplzthnx: No, they wouldn't have.
igethoes123: well I went to school with a kid named Pokemon so you really can't be sure
backtfuppplzthnx: That's... unfortunate. Even so, it can't be your name. I know because you, well, you don't get hoes.

-igethoes123 is no longer online.-

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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