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2:35 AM: igethoes123 has requested to follow you.
2:35 AM: Direct message from igethoes123.

It's the weekends and you're awakened early in the morning. You woke up not to the sounds of alarms, not to the chaotic screeching and blaring of the nocturnal upper-east-side streets you'd grown to know, fear and love. You woke up not even to the occasional gunshot echoes of the local gangs having it out. You woke to the sounds of texting notifications.

Had you been anyone except yourself, really, this wouldn't have been such a big deal. But this was, well, you.

Groaning heftily, you yen to ignore the obnoxious buzzing but an urge of curiosity forces against all other ration.

You reach for your phone, thumbs instinctively typing in the password, and a bright light leaves you squinting in the dark. You murmur to yourself, "Who in the hell is texting me?"

backtfupplzthnx: Umm, who are you?
igethoes123: more like who are you? I just choked on your name but thanks for asking
backtfupplzthnx: You added me. Who the hell are you?
igethoes123: grr
backtfupplzthnx: What?
igethoes123: grrrrr
backtfupplzthnx: Are a furry or something? Stop growling, freak.
igethoes123: grrrrrrrrow the fuck up you rotten pole and just tell me your name.
backtfupplzthnx: ?? Poles don't rot ??
igethoes123: the ones in the strip club do
backtfupplzthnx: Whatever? You're canceled. Don't ever contact me again.

You tap on their profile, index finger hovering just above the block button when you receive another text.

igethoes123: you can't get rid of me lol I live in your attic

In the dark, dreary quiet of the night, you whisper to yourself, "What the fuck?"

LEFT ON ✔️SEENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora