Residual electricity sparked between their fingers when she took the glass from him, and she raised it to her lips with a small smile.

“An energy drink would be more appropriate,” she said.

J laughed, and her gut clenched. God, she loved it when he laughed. The sound seemed to rumble through her, tickling her insides, every time.

“We’re done for the day, Cara,” he said, and she pouted. “So soon?”

“You were out for almost an hour,” he said drily.

“You should’ve woken me up.”

“I didn’t want to get in the way of your beauty sleep. Not that you need it.”

Cara handed him the empty glass. “It’s pointless to flirt with the girl after you’ve got her into bed, you know.”

J laughed again. “I was hoping for a repeat performance.”

“I’ll let you know if I’m free next week,” Cara said with a laugh of her own.

Then, she sighed and leaned back against the headboard.

They shared a moment of companionable silence then she said, “You’ve gotten better.”

J grinned at her. “At what?”

“Making me come. Having lots of practice, huh?”

He tilted his head, and his smile gentled. “Is this your sneaky way of asking if I’m sleeping around?”

Cara looked him in the eye. “Are you?”

He swiped his hand over his mouth then shook his head. “Nah. Not really. You?”

She smiled. “Nah. Not really.”

“Does it mean anything to you?”

“Do you want it to?”

J repeated the hand-over-mouth motion and exhaled, looking up at the ceiling. “I mean, yeah? I guess?”

Cara winced. “I… didn’t ask for exclusivity.”

“I know, I know, and that’s the thing. I just found myself not wanting to fuck anyone else; you didn’t have to say a thing.”

“You don’t have to hold yourself back for my sake…”

J laughed, but the sound was mirthless. “Are you listening to me, Cara? I’m not forcing myself to not want other girls. It’s just … it’s you I want right now. Only you.”

“And you want to explore this thing outside … this?” Cara asked, drawing an imaginary line between them with her finger.

J shrugged. “I think? I don’t know? What do you think?”

Cara opened her mouth then closed it. How could she say what she wanted to say without wounding his ego?

“I think,” she said carefully, “I’m enjoying this, in this form, the way it is. I feel like it’s… maybe a little too early to want a relationship? I mean, sure, I think you’re devastatingly hot. And you obviously find me attractive to some extent. But beyond that, do we even like each other? Would we even like each other, if we’d met under different circumstances?”

“So you’re saying we need to meet outside this?”

Cara laughed. “No, not really. I’m saying we need more time. To get to know each other beyond the sex. This is like, the longest conversation we’ve ever had, and we’ve been fucking for what, 3 months?”

WILD THING (18+) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now