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“Open. "

The tiled floor was cold under Cara's knees, but everywhere else was hot. Her exposed thighs, her pinkened ass, between her legs, between her moist lips... The scent of sandalwood was like a fire to the tinder of her nose, and her bound arms itched to reach up and rip off the blindfold keeping her in anticipatory darkness.

Somewhere in the background, a woman was singing about sex in a raspy hungry voice. His hand gripped her hair, just a little too tight, and he nudged her closed mouth with his cock.

“Open, " he said again, and she obeyed. A moan bubbled up in her throat as she tasted him, her tongue sliding around the head, against the pulsing vein on the underside. He let her play with him like that for a minute, maybe two, then he gripped more of her hair in his other hand and, without warning, shoved himself deep into her mouth.


“Miss Cooper!"

Cara jerked awake with a tiny squeak. Laughter rumbled all around her, and she could see Professor Jameson's disapproving glare through the strands of her unruly hair. Damn, he was good at remembering names; the freshman Law and Political Science class was barely a month old, yet he knew all their names already. It made her dozing habit a little difficult to pull off.

“Busy weekend?" Laurie, her best friend, asked with a nudge to her side, and Cara blushed and chuckled.

“You have no idea," she said. Her eyes darted to the large round clock hanging above Professor Jameson's head, then to the open double doors of the lecture hall. The one hour allocated to this lecture had elapsed, but no one was walking out. In fact, the air seemed charged with some kind of anticipation.

“Why's the class still on?" she asked.

A second later, the reason was revealed. A man walked into the lecture hall, and Cara felt the breath knocked out of her. He was beautiful - so beautiful it was almost revolting. When he stopped next to the professor and turned to face the class with an unsmiling expression, moisture seeped from Cara's body into her panties.

“This is Professor Benjamin Kincaid, " Professor Jameson said. “Like I mentioned earlier, he'll be covering for Dr Harris until she returns."

“Good afternoon, " the man - Professor Kincaid - said with a sharp nod. His gaze snagged on Cara's, and her breath locked in her throat. God, his eyes were beautiful. Dark - almost black - and unreadable... Was he actually looking at her? His expression didn't change when he said, “I'm looking forward to teaching you."

Cara nearly melted in her seat. She was hopeless for men with dispositions like ice. And she was supposed to sit through three hour-long sessions with him every week?

“Woah," Laurie breathed, jerking Cara's attention from the dark angel in front of them. “Did I imagine it, or did you and the sexy new professor just have a moment?"

Cara opened her mouth to laugh it off, but her phone vibrated in her lap. She glanced down at it, and something tightened low in her belly. It was a text message, almost cold in its brevity: an address, and a 5pm. Don't be late. J.

“I have to go," she said, gathering up her bags and books. “I'll see you tomorrow."

She didn't catch Laurie's protest in her flight down toward the exit, and she was so busy cramming her books into her bags that she didn't notice the obstacle in her path until she slammed into it face first.

It was like slamming into a bare electric wire. Current zipping into her body from every point of contact, so hot that she pulled her hands back and fell to the floor, sprawling in the same direction as her books.

WILD THING (18+) - COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora