Chapter Fifteen A fight with the passed Become a kidnapping

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Shannon pov:

I knew that shiro,others were fighting the glara battleship and I was had this feeling like something back was going to happen.But I just don't know what it could be as the voltron lions formed voltron and won the fight just as I felt erwin was going to show himself of course I was right about the feeling kind of he sent me a message that he wanted to finish our fight.So I agreed to the fight as long as it was a one on one fight no way one gets invalid.Also I sent scroll by sending it with the help of my own magic before shiro and the others wouldn't see it as they came back from there fight.

Meanwhile lotor was pleased that his trap was working he knew that witch had made a clone of the princess's fallen love so he decided to use it to his advantage which for now was going as planned with no sign of any interferences from the paladins.Also erwin who was with him got a scroll which said she agreed to the fight as long as it was a one on one fight and that no one got involved in their fight.Of course erwin was order to send another scroll which would say that he agreed to the terms she had asked be done once he wrote up the scroll he then sent it off.And back at the castle of lions shannon had become distant from shiro of course he could tell that something was on her mind but he couldn't tell what it was because she didn't seem to wanted to talk about it.

Keith pov:

Ever seen we came back from fighting the glara battleship I've knowested that shannon has become really distant from shiro and I don't know why of course I'm not the only one who see this my boyfriend lance has also knowested this two.And we wish we knew what was going or what was on her mind because this had to be buge her as well as hurting shiro too.But for right now all we can to is be there of shiro and shannon also I need to ask shannon,if she could help me find my family seen I found out that I'm half glara.Maybe she will tell me what is going or at the least open up to me as a friend that all I can do seen I know that shiro would just leave her alone until she would talk to him.

As this was going lance wanted to help get things on the way back to getting better not worse as this was the case and it hite lance why not do a double date he,keith along with shiro and shannon.Would all go out to the space mall and got to one of the best restaurant which was had dances floor that was apart of the restaurant.So lance told shiro of his plan and he agreed to it but that night while everyone was fast asleep shannon who was dressed in her fighting clothes took a space pod then head out to the planet where she was told to go in the scroll.Which she had left behind by accident because she was in a hurry also she was quotes not to wake anyone up as she left that night she knew this was reckless going alone without know what could be waiting for her once she go there to the planet.

Lance pov:

I was in my and keith bedroom seen we are dating we are sleeping in the same bedroom and I love it also as I was getting ready for bed I got an idea which was go on a double date me,keith and shiro,shannon would to to the space mall which a really nice restaurant that had dance floor so we could dance as well as too.I ran this by shiro who liked the idea so tomorrow night we would go on our double date I just hope this helps I mean shannon has been distant from shiro and keith thinks that something must be on her mind.So I hope this double date get things get better seen in this case things have just been awkward and I really hope that this dose change also I know that keith will love this idea.

Meanwhile shannon had left later that night without waking anyone until the next morning shiro woke up to find that shannon was gone this was after he went looking for her but he couldn't find her anywhere in the castle.And then he went to the main deck of course coran check to see what might have gone down during the night.It was then that they also found a scroll as well as finding out that one of the podes were gone from the found video that showed that shannon had left during the night.At that moment they tried to find out where she might have gone it was then they open the scroll they had found on the ground.When shiro found the scroll he read the message which said just that erwin wanted to finish the fight between shannon and him.So they had rough idea of what happened now they need to find the planet where the fight would take place.And shiro was worried about shannon,why wouldn't she have said anything to anyone they could have stopped as well as helped her. 

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