yoshiki time travel and they are alive!?

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Everyone was dead...i know that now as i watched with tears in my eyes as i found everyone bodies in one place. It was painful to look at them but i still did it, knowing it also somewhat gave me relief to finally know what happened even though they are dead now..i sank down to my knees, crying harder then i have every before. Why...why? Why did they all have to die and leave me all alone in this god damn school?! I don't blame them for getting killed, there a ghost who kill those who are still alive and if it's not that, they go insane and try to kill everyone they see. It pained me when i got up, knowing i had to leave them. I need to survive, if not for me but for them, they wouldn't want me to waste myself and die just like they did. They wanted everyone to escape, to live, i don't want to disappoint them...for them i will survive and make it out of here...even if it pains me to do so...i would be leaving their bodies behind...i will never get to see them ever again...nor will we every get to speak to each other, laugh with one another, scare each other, hang out together, go to school together, we will never be able to do those anymore...

I felt pain in my chest at that thought, my friends...I'm sorry...i couldn't help any of you nor protect you...i failed..I'm a failure...i thought i walked straight into a library. I looked through them, trying to find hints of anything useful. After a few minutes, a book cought my eye's. I grabbed the book and started reading, i felt hope after i read it, it talks about bringing back the dead. All i had to do was chant the words out loud and it shall be done. I felt joy, maybe...just maybe i can bring my friends back? I started walking to where i left their bodies, i saw them missing and felt panic as i searched. I found them in this hidden room that i don't know what was in it or anything. I found different body parts in the areas. I finally found the bodies of my friends, i stood there and started chanting the words, "Oh mighty death god, hear my plea, bring back those who have been lost in time, bring back their souls and give them life, give them a second chance, take anything you want from me but bring back all who have lost their souls and make it right!" i shouted and then an earthquake started all of a sudden.

I held on tight to the book, uneasy filled me as i saw the ghost children appear from their hiding spot. Frowns on their faces, i even saw a nurse whose neck was broken. They started smiling after the earthquake was gone. They began to float towards me, i stepped back, i saw my friends open their eyes and take deep breathes. I felt relieved and joy that they were alive again. They sat up and looked around in confusion, i saw them look towards me and shock and surprise flash on their faces. Then it turns into horror and worry for me as the ghost corner me. 'Run.' i mouthed to them, they froze, not wanting to leave their friend behind. 'Do it now.' i mouthed again, this time they slowly backed away. Concern still on their faces as i made sure the ghosts attention was still on me. Then it all went black as i and the ghosts disappeared into a portal. Never to be seen in this worlds future. But because of the book and chant, i was sent back in time unknown to me, i also changed history so it made a parallel universe kinda thing...mostly because i changed history but i didn't know it then, but i will later on in the story.

Then i woke up, i knew something important just happened but i couldn't remember what...then i looked at the calendar, it was some weeks before we ended up in that school...wait what?! Some weeks before we ended in that school!? How...when...did this happen? Did i go back in time? I felt confused as to what happen and wondered if it was a dream..a regular dream or a dream that foretold the future...i wasn't really sure.then i noticed i had something in my arms and held it up. I let out a gasp in shock, it was the same book from my dream?! Some..it really did happen and wasn't a dream...i felt horrified that my friends had died. Then i felt my bed shift, i freeze, i slowly look down to see what it was. What i saw to my shock, was the ghost children and nurse, they were all asleep but look like they were waking up. I felt terror before i noticed it...they were alive...then they opened their eyes, they had looks of shock, one gasped, the other one flinched, one looked at their hands and another felt their face. The nurse felt her neck in surprise.

They then noticed me looking at them in surprise. I saw something in their eyes and i wasn't sure if i should like that. "Thank you mister...you helped us..."one of the girls said. Surprise flash on my face and quickly left. "Thank you so much...but how...are we alive?" the nurse asked confused. "Hum...i think that was my fault actually..." i said and flinched when they all looked at me in surprise. "You see..i found this book...it said something about bring back the dead...so i read it...out loud and it brought my friends back to live. You probably didn't notice since i distracted you and all...but i want to know why we went back in time a few weeks before we ended up in that school..." i said and checked the book one more time. To my surprise their was more words written on the page that i read about bringing back the dead. I started reading, to my surprise, it said "the pure hearted who's soul is still pure with the innocent though of wanting to bring their friends back to life, willing to sacrifice themselves to do it, time will be rewind, you will lose the memory of how you got to the school, but you will be forever protected by those who were once dead and the dead...enjoy the gift of death."

I felt surprised at that, gift of death? So death gave me a gift...a second chance at life..to protect them this time around...i will do my best to keep them safe and alive...they will not die on my watch. Not if i can help it at least..i thought in determination. Though i guess i won't be able to prevent going into heavenly host, but i can still protect them. Though it looks like it might be easier then it was the first time considering what it said about me being protected by the dead and non dead people...i check the calendar to see what day it was, i let out a sigh in relief, it was Saturday. I got time to do things like catching these five up on history and what happened so far and everything else and so that's what i did for the next two hours. It was tiring but at least they know about everything that happened so far and that we time traveled. I also told them about some other things, i also helped them out on how to do most things and everything else. I even got them a phone and put my number in it and told them to call if they need me but try to avoid that on school days until it's over.

They all agreed, i allowed them to live with me until i could help them more and help sachiko mom to get another job. I also need to help them get into a school so they can continue to learn and grow and be able to get older and everything they want to be able to do when they are grown ups. But until then, they will just have to live with me and i will have to help them. After all it wasn't their fault they were like that, it was the schools principle fault. I have another day off from school and seeing my friends...i can still remember their faces and bodies...it still haunts me..i kinda don't want to see them yet...but...i can't let their deaths haunt me. I will protect them and we will make it out of heavenly host elementary school. I will see to that i thought and felt tired even though i just woke up a while ago. I look at the time and felt shock, it's already 9 p.m?! The day went by so fast...i guess i should sleep..i allowed the children and nurse to sleep on my bed and i took the couch to sleep on. I then fell asleep after a few minutes.

Finally finished! Sorry i get new ideas randomly have just have to make them into stories. So i make new stories amd finish them every now and then randomly...so..until next time! Ja ne~!

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