💀In a slump?💀

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So..you're sitting on your bed or couch or whatever. Scrolling through your timeline for the hundredth time today. You're probably tired even though you got sleep. You're dry and stuck and maybe even look a little busted...

and that's the spot i was in recently. So if you're going through something similar, here are some tips to get through your slump :)

-self care.

take a bath. put on a face mask. Do your nails. Get up and get fresh. This can change your mood entirely. You deserve to take care of yourself and feel your best⭐

-go outside

If you can't because of the weather. Then open up a window. Take deep breaths and observe your surroundings. Being inside 24/7 is not the best option. Let your body get in some fresh air🌳


Meditating allows the mind to relax and focus on one thing. Proper breathing. Let your mind be clear in order for it to have room for the important things later.⏳

-tech detox

Try staying off social media for a month. Maybe not even a month. A week. It really does something great. I have provided a video that goes into depth about this📵


Journaling is an easy way to get emotions out. But also, to write down goals and tasks that have to get done. I find this helpful because my brain realizes that i have to work to achieve this (im low key a busy body) 📑

-in addition: if you need to do something but can't seem to get up and get it done. Give yourself 5 secs
(e.g. i need to clean my bathroom. But i keep procrastinating. So when i count to five, i will be up and start cleaning). Ultimately, this causes your brain to make that snap decision and get going. If not, it'll kill the idea. Sorry it's worded badly😌


Turn on some jams and dance. I'm telling you, it'll get your body awake sis. You can substitute this for working out or even going on a run. 💃

-drink water

When we get caught up in something, we tend to forget to do basic things. Such as keeping up water intake. So drink up. Even if it's only half a bottle of water. 🚰

-call someone

Instead of texting, call or face time someone. Have a true conversation. Even better if you're face to face with someone. Be engaged and talk about things that you are passionate about.📱

-make food

Instead of ordering food, make it. I'm not saying make a stew with homemade bread or anything. But instead of heading to get fast food or grabbing that third bag of chips. Make a smoothie, a salad. Heck. Try making cookies from scratch. But knowing you made something with your own 2 hands is an amazing feeling and defintely worth trying. 🍝

-do one thing you've been procrastinating on

It doesn't even have to be something big. Maybe make up your bed, fold some clothes, wipe your mirrors down. Maybe something you can achieve in 15-20 minutes. 🙈

-plan for the next day

Planning for the next day can increase productivity and help stay out of that slump. Having things ready for once may motivate you to keep doing it.🍒

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