"It is te-he-he! Maybe another day with happy ending like last one would do the thing~"

"HAI! No fucking way, Cupid me! I won't do that again!"

"Oh come on Eric~ you enjoyed my little massage last time te-he-he~ "

"I SAID NO! NO MORE DATES, NO MORE MASSAGES!!" Cartman stated while Craig internally confirmed his insanity and reminded himself to be as far as possible of him. "Look Craig! If you want him to stop you need to face him!"

"Face him?"

"He is chasing you and he'll keep doing it your whole life until you turn around and talk to him! Or else he'll stab you to death, you'd ever be able to tell him shit again... and he'll ride your dead still warm body until he dries you up."

He was right. Weird... but he was right. Planned or not, needed or not needed Tweek, he has to release what was torturing him since a while ago, he'd talk to Tweek, tell him how much he loved him and how much he feared to lose him or being killed by him...

But you could never just invite the psycho on any horror movie to take tea and talk your differences away, Tweek was armed and he had to create a plan were both could talk without any risk of anyone dying.

"I need you to get me out of here. I think I can fix this"

"And what am I gonna get from this?" Cartman grimaced but Craig's face was emotionless again.

"You know... just me not spreading rumors of you talking alone with a gay Cupid version of yourself."




Seems like the song didn't work this time. Attempting to get the skinwalker out of the house Tweek even approached to the door yet couldn't find the courage to knock. It was a matter of time, not even such terrible monster could stand Cartman for too long.

Standing on his tippy toes he inspected the nearest window but found nothing, just darkness and a few noises of some kind of argument upstairs. If the creature walked into Cartman there was no much time left before it ran away and maybe jump off the window trying to escape the annoying fat kid or before get killed by him... it was Cartman after all.

While waiting he couldn't get Craig out of his mind, he really wanted him to be alive and ok. Tears began to form at the corner of his eyes thinking about the worst scenarios, he wanted to be positive but he couldn't help it.

Just imagine Craig... the nicest person he've ever met, his long time secret crush since he found himself forced to fight him on third grade, his actual boyfriend who always cared and looked for him any day at any time always there to give him the emotional support he needed... imagine his skinless body abandoned on a lair or eaten until the bones by the gnomes unable to be found to use his looks as a dirty disguise... he couldn't help but cry...

He stopped as a sound caught his attention, a door sliding and some foot steps stomping on grass... the backyard.

He ran trying to catch up and stop the creature, but he could just see him jumping over the fence. Clever girl... was that thing a girl? Clever thing?... However the creature ran away again, but South Park was such a tiny town the chances to still catch up to him... her? Were a lot.

Tweek clenched his fist holding his weapon. Even if he'd had to spend the whole night, he'd get that thing and make it talk, or else... His green eyes looked to the cloudy dark sky, it was going to rain for sure, he twitched at the idea the sky was sad and ready to cry for Craig's lost too. Tweek hold his breath trying not to cry, he'd find him and he'd be ok.

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