PART 2: Communication NOT FOUND.

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I made the first chapter a little too long, so I decided to cut it in two! Here's part 2.

Tuesday used to be the best day for them. Things used to be slow that day for the coffee shop, with Tweek parents able to do everything by themselves it was one of Tweek's free days from illegal child labor. While on the other hand it used to be Craig's parents busiest day since Tricia used to have volleyball practice or games. He used to be forced to go to the games, but not at her practice so on that day he had the house for himself and some fast food dinner for the occasion on the fridge since his family used to come late eating and hanging out with the whole team outside.

Craig has always been very independent and his natural boring nature was a bless since his parents wouldn't have to worry for him destroying the house or something. They trusted him on that and knowing he'd just spend the night watching TV and going to sleep allowed him to socialize longer. They win, Craig win.

Adding a free Tweek to the equation just made the perfect day to hang out chilling out and Tweek staying the night. Even if it was usual to see Tweek in the house at odd hours, it was always better know he was there since the night before and not just appeared into the house just God knows how looking for moral support.

The boys quick made their way to Craig's house. Getting the snacks from the kitchen and a hot cup of coffee for Tweek. They spend their afternoon watching some Red Racer and Terrence and Phillip. Craig soon found himself comfortable resting his head on top of Tweek's hair enjoying the day and forgetting about everything else, Tweek kept stealing glares at the raven's direction still concerned about him.

The Moon replaced the Sun, movies replaced the series and the light snacks got replaced by pizza and pop corn. The light touch became a full lovely cuddling with Tweek resting his head on Craig's chest and the noirette wrapping the blond with his arms. The sweet coffee scent getting impregnated on his clothes and the warmth of the blond's skin and breath along the movie and the beautiful music played for the romance drama was a sense fest for Craig he ain't be able to experience before dating his so loved spaz.

"You know why she left him?"

"Huh?" Craig realized he ain't put much attention to the movie. Going back to the screen he saw a man trying running after a woman who just took a taxi and escaped from him leaving the poor male under the rain alone watching the vehicle disappear at the distance.

"He didn't want her to know how he got the money, but she found out anyways. I think she felt betrayed since the person she trusted the most didn't trust her at all..." Craig knew where this was going.

"He had his reasons. He just loves her too much to involve her in that shit."

"You don't lie to people you love."

"Sometimes you have to to protect them"

"What if that person doesn't want to be protected?... what if... he wants to protect you too? B-But he... he doesn't know how since he has no idea of what's go-going on to began with..." Tweek's voice trembled. Craig sighed.

"Tweek... we agreed not talking about this anymore."

"Why not!? Communication is key to any relationship, Craig!"

"And I suck at it and you know it better than anyone! Why are you being so dramatic?"


"...what?..." Craig tried hard to process Tweek's words but no logic conclusion came out. "What are you talking about?..."

"THE TRUTH!!" Tweek's body started to shake while tiny pools of water began to form at the corner of his eyes. "Y-You always help me out on everything! My-my panic attacks... my anxiety! A-AS MORAL SUPPORT!!! YOU ARE ALWAYS THERE TO ME!! Since... since the incident with N-GAH!NORTH KOREA!! AND HOW THEY PLANNED TO BOMB ME AND KILL ME!! AND-OH JESUS!!!"

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