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3rd person's POV

"daddy?" taehyung ask as jeongguk open their bedroom door.

Jeongguk's half naked body really turn taehyung on even if jeongguk sleeping,taehyung wakes up first so he has to be seen by a no shirt jeongguk sight and really got turn on easily.

"yes baby?" jeongguk said as he was not sure what taehyung wants and suddenly says.

"you only use that freakin' tone if you want something,so what does my baby want?"said jeongguk and that made taehyung giggled a little by his daddy's sudden word.

"and make sure you cannot make daddy mad with that." jeongguk said to taehyung as he dry his hair with a towel in his hands while walking towards their closet.

'you will not and never be,daddy'taehyung said to himself as he smirk a little.

"what's with that smirk,doll?"jeongguk,as he already put his white loose t-shirt on and a black comfie shorts.(the one he wears on their 'i need you' photo shoot, if you dont know)

"oh nothin' daddy" taehyung says as he giggled.

"what does my baby want?"jeongguk,as he come towards tae who's sitting on their bed. While jeongguk is laying flat face on the pillow beside tae on the mattress and taehyung sitting on it.

Then taehyung suddenly laid flat on the bed and whined.

"daddy~" taehyung whined,as he kick his feet on the air.

"what baby? I told you what is it and you're not answering me" jeongguk said he grab the pillow on his right side and place it on the back of his head on the headboard.

"daddy~ what if you'll not like it?"taehyung said as sad pout on his face.

"what the fucking fuck is it then? Just tell me and you're done,i'll do what you'll say if you want me to" jeongguk said as he flip his hair backwards.(like on jimin's hair thing.)

"you'll do it?!for me?!"taehyung said as he stare a jeongguk with sparkel in his eyes.

"what was it? if you don't say it i'll not do it,it's on you if you want." jeongguk said as he cross his hands together and pretend to be angry. That make taetae pout.

"sorry daddy,don't be mad please?"taehyung,as he he was tugging(?) jeongguk's shirt.

"okay say it to me then" jeongguk said as he peck taehyung on the cheeck.


Let's make a baby" taehyung said as he held the older's shirt and stare at him in hope.


Thank you 100 reads! Saranghae!!!❤❤

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