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My Team are just relaxing in the room. I plan to go training and I think it could be a great team exercise. But I think it would be more beneficial if I toke one and not the whole team. Who do I take?

I think it should be one of the twins, me and Blossom are pretty close already. I'll just flip a coin. Heads is Aegis, tails is Kamui. I flip the coin in flies up and down into my palm, twirling the whole time. I then flip it onto the back of my other hand. I lift my hand to reveal.


"Hey I am going to go train. And i would like kamui to come with me."

The twins look at each other. Aegis makes a worried face, but Kamui looks calm. This is kinda creepy. It's like they are communicating with their mind. Aegis then looks defeated.

"Okay let's go." Kamui says

"Great, follow me." I said with a smile.


We arrive at a track in our athletic wear. I need to test my speed, and see the limits of my team.

"So want you just brought me here to challenge me." Kamui spoke.

"Umm... kinda."

"Prepare yourself, I won't hold back"

"Then neiteher will I. So how about three laps."

"It matters not. You will lose no matter the amount of laps."

"Geez.. Okay then three laps"

We get in a starting position. I am in the very inner space and Kamui is two spaces over. I take the coin from earlier out of my pocket.

"When this coin hits the ground we start."

She just nods her head. I place the coin on my hand and flick it into the sky.


We both run as fast as possible. I see she is in front of me by about a half a meter. I activate my semblance and keep up my pace. First lap down and we are now neck and neck, but she does not see that. Second lap down. She does not keep the same speed she did in the begining leading me in front of her. In her eyes I am probably just behind her. We near the end

"Better luck next time" She says in a calm voice.

I deactivate my semblance and expend my reserves in a burst of speed. I won. We both slide to a stop.

"So you used your semblance on me."

"I wanted to see if you would get cocky, and you did."

"I guess your smarter than I gave you credit for."

"I guess you are as well. How did you figure out  I had used my semblance so fast."

"Well it wasn't that hard."

Well this little field trip has been a success so far.


"Next up, is power. No rules just get the best score you can."

For this there is a black box that you attack and it gives a calculation.

"You want to go first."


She walks in front of the box. She closes her eyes and leaps back. A tornado of blue energy comes from the ground surrounding the box.


104600000 watts.

My turn. I walk in front like Kamui. I prepare my arm. I feel it combining all the dust. I dig my right foot into the ground, twist my hips, and extend my arm foward in a perfect punch.

Rabbit in a Snowstorm. (Weiss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now