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We head out of the forest and into another abandoned series of structures as we are followed by the Nevermore. We spread out and conceal ourselves behind stone blocks. It lands on a high column and caws.

"Well, that's great!" Yang says very annoyed

The Death Stalker bursts out into the scene.

"Ah, man, run!"

We come out of hiding causing the Nevermore to rise into the air.

"Nora, distract it!"

Nora jumping through feather projectiles provided by the Nevermore before reaching behind grabbing her weapon and releasing grenades, bursting into pink electricity when they make contact. The Death Stalker comes after Nora but is stopped by Ren and Blake slashing at it. Weiss jumps to Nora and makes a platform to jump and leaps them to safety.

We race over and ancient bridge but is stopped by the Nevermore slamming right into the bridge. This knocks Ruby, Yang, Nora, Jaune, and I closer to our destination. The rest was knocked closer to the forest.

'I can't leave Blossom alone'

I leap over the ledge. Placing my hand below me I set off an explosion sending me the rest of the way. I run to blossom.

"You alright."

"Something else is coming"

Something bursts into the clearing.

"A Beringel. Let's go take this on"

"Are sure we sho-"

"Yes! The others are busy "

"I don't think I can"

"That's fine. Stay"

I run at it. I slide under its punch and give it strong jabs. I let out an exploding punch. The gorilla like beast slams its fists to the ground sending me flying. My back hits a rock. It jumps at me about to slam its fists onto me. I roll out of the way and flip up.

'That did nothing...'

I start preparing to release all the dust. It lunges forward and I jump back. It goes for a punch that I barely Dodge.

'It just keeps going faster'


'It's done.'

It goes for a lunge again but this time I stay still. I bend my knees and jump as hard as I can, while lifting up my fist in an uppercut.


I stand to foggy air and when it clears. There it is weakened but looks even stronger. I try to shoot another explosion.

*click, click*

I can't dodge it either. I hold my right hand up to block some damage. The punch comes.


The earth comes shooting up effectively blocking the punch. I look around confused same as the grimm.

"(y/n). I am ready to help." Blossom said

"That was you"


"I have a plan. Just keep protecting me."

I sprint towards the grimm. He throws a punch but blossom blocks it. I keep running. The gorilla follows me. It begins to lob rocks towards me. It was blocked again.

'so close..'

I near the cliff. Digging my heels in I slow my speed. When I get slow enough I flip back as high as I can. This gets me over the grimm. Still in the air I push off his back with both feet, pushing him down the abyss. I land on my feet, only to collapse. Blossom runs to me

"Are you OK."

"Phew. Yeah totally just tired... Everywhere."

"Let's head to the Cliff"

"No *huh* arguments here"

__ __ __ __

"Russell Trush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark. "The headmaster announces.

The screen of the auditorium shows each profile and everyone applauds the boys.

" The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day foward, you will work together as team CRDL lead by... Cardin Winchester! "

The audience applauds more. While four more students walk on stage.

"Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR."

The audience claps and Nora hugs Ren.

"Led by... Jaune Arc! Congratulations young man."

Pyrrha gives Jaune a shoulder bump, which knocks him over. The audience then laughed at him.

"Next, Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieve the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

Wiess looks surprised, where Ruby is obviously in shock as Yang goes to hug Ruby.

Then we walk up with two new friends.

"And Finally, (y/n) (l/n). Blossom Forrester. Agis Flux. Kamui Flux. From this day foward, you will work together as team B(_)AK."

The crowd gives one last cheer.

"It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year."

Rabbit in a Snowstorm. (Weiss x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now