25 (challenge)

26 8 7

Let me tell you,
This tale
Of four boys,
Strong, beautiful
And immortal
Born to one mother
Like none other
Trusted with utmost faith
With great duties
By their mother herself.

The oldest
Is the wisest
They say,
With his timeless soul
That speaks to one
Who braves to look
Into his large,
Startling green eyes.
Quiet in nature,
But light at heart
Commonly found
Kneeling down,
His soft brown hair
Sticking up
Like freshly mowed grass,
Tending to his garden,
His nifty fingers
Patting down the soil
Around newly planted saplings,
Feeding critters,
Putting his thoughts
Onto paper with paint
Or weaving vines
Into flower crowns,
Gifting them
To the younger
Fae folk.

The second son
Is one of a kind.
Heart warm
And spirits joyous,
The popular one,
They call him;
He radiates energy
Reflected in the specks
Of glinting gold
Swimming in brown eyes.
His strength and confidence
Claims everyone's attention.
Once in a while,
For his warmth
Turns to searing heat;
Anger bursts
From its stronghold,
Ready to obliterate
Anything in its path.

The oldest
Of the younger two
Is his brother's keeper
Always around
To cool him down.
Soft, auburn hair
Curling at the nape,
And splattered light freckles
Frame his easy smile.
Whistling a merry tune,
He spends his days,
Sipping pumpkin spiced lattes.
He's a prankster too,
Hiding in the garden
His brother carefully tends
Replacing the lush leaves
With rustling ones
That match his hair
That turn to dust,
Crunching between your hands.
Carefree and friendly,
He fears none,
But his overconfidence
Lets his younger brother
Bring him down.

Runt of the immortals
Closed off and cold,
You can almost feel
The icy daggers
Leaving his steely gaze.
A frosty spiked chasm
Surrounding his heart
Will bring demise
To anyone who steps;
If one so courageous
Braves the arctic depths,
You will find within
The broken pieces
Of a lonely soul,
Hiding behind
An unsympathetic façade.
The pieces make up
The 'real' youngest brother;
The one behind
The hooded grey eyes
And raven hair
With stark white tips;
You'll find the boy
Caring and kind,
His touch so soft,
Like freshly fallen snow.

Keep in mind,
These four brothers
Are known to visit
Our world at times.
Keep your eyes, ears
And heart wide open
Maybe you'll catch
A pair of eyes
Greener than the usual,
An energy that's radiant
You just can't forget,
Or maybe a smile
That sticks in your mind,
Perhaps a glint
Of steely grey eyes.

~Story of the seasons~

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