It's been a while..

Start from the beginning

Fallon arrived just short of 30 minutes later, where she was helped out of the car and led towards the busy front door. 'Ugh, queues' she mumbled to herself as she walked right to the front. Fallon heard whistles and calls to her and she knew it was because she had her long legs out that seemed to drive everyone wild. Not taking any notice, Fallon headed into the club searching for Jeff or Monica. "Hey" she called a little loud over the music to Jeff who was sitting in the VIP area with a bottle of champagne. "Hi, you look.. nice" Jeff gulped, turning his head as quick as possible trying to forget his previous moments in bed with Fallon before they found out they were related. "Thanks" Fallon smiled, looking around the place noticing it was busier than she thought it would be. "Move up" Fallon said, lifting her leg over the barrier revealing a little more than she had hoped to Jeff who was positioned lower than her due to the chairs.

Jeff took a few more seconds to look before slowly moving his eyes away and shaking his head. Fallon sat down beside him leaning over and taking a glass off the table. "Bit short isn't it" Jeff said holding his own glass to his mouth before taking a sip. "what?" Fallon asked, looking at Jeff again confused. "Dress. bit short isn't it" Jeff replied again, this time coughing as if to cut off his own sentence. "It's as short as i want it to be. If you have a problem, just look away." Fallon said, before taking a long sip of her drink, watched by Jeff who didn't understand why he still seemed bothered by what Fallon wore. Fallon's skirt was undeniably short, her bare thigh was left exposed with the lights hitting off it every so often. Fallon had sex appeal and she knew it, she sometimes used it to her advantage and it wasn't until she noticed Jeff looking at her again that she shook her head and stood up. "You're disgusting, do you know that? I'm going to the bathroom." Fallon said annoyed, leaving the VIP area and making her way towards the bathroom.

Opening the door, she realised the toilets were empty and she put her purse on the side and took out her favourite red lipstick before applying it to her lips again. Noticing some of her hair had fallen loose, she pinned it back up, giving her reflection her best pout before hearing "Still the same plump lips as ever" behind her. Fallon froze for a minute before looking behind her in the reflection to see a slim, toned, dark skinned woman come into view. Fallon's heart skipped a couple of beats as she watched the figure make its way towards her. She took a gulp of breath before realising that her eyes were wondering up and down this woman's figure that was slowly and seductively walking towards her. Wearing a tight black dress with gold finishing and black and gold shoes, Fallon noticed how there was no straps to this woman's dress and it was being held up solely by the roundness of the woman's breasts. Taking in each rounded mound, and noticing light sweat droplets down the woman's cleavage that she knew so well, Fallon slowly licked her lips before answering the woman slowly walking towards her. "I told you. ... i'd never ... get them done" Fallon replied, hesitantly as she tried to compose herself. "How, how are you?" Fallon stuttered as the woman came closer to Fallon and practically pinned her against the wall. Fallon didn't notice she had been walking back this whole time and jumped a little as her exposed back hit the bare wall. "I'm good, how are you?" came the almost whisper. Fallon knew this voice too well and it forced her to close her eyes to regain herself. "Good." she replied before opening her eyes again and biting her bottom lip.

Suddenly the bathroom door flew open and in walked Monica. "Fallon? Kori?" Monica called out shocked that the two of them were in the bathroom together. Kori took a few steps away from Fallon who was trying to regulate her breathing before smiling at Monica and making her way back out of the bathroom and back to where Jeff had been sitting. "Fuck" Fallon said aloud to herself as she made her way through the crowd. "Fuck, fuck! fuck!!" She cursed, lifting her legs back over the barrier and sitting next to where Jeff was. "You didn't tell me Kori was coming?" Fallon said, as she downed her drink and started to pour another. "I didn't need to, she said she mailed you" Jeff replied, looking at Fallon. "Fuck!" Fallon replied again, taking another heavy gulp of her drink and falling back into the chair. "Not ready to see her huh?" Jeff asked, feeling sympathy for Fallon as he knew what happened between the two. "No. i mean, it's been years but i'm with Culhane and i don't want to see her. Her body, it hasn't changed, her whispers, they haven't changed and ugh, i need to go home." Fallon ranted, more to herself than aloud but was heard by Jeff anyway. "Fallon, look, just go easy, it's fine. She's a friend yeah?" Jeff began before Fallon cut him off "Friends don't do what she just did in the bathroom Jeff. If Monica hadn't have come in, i mean, who knows what would have happened.." Fallon trailed off, taking another long drink from her glass. Jeff raised an eyebrow before rubbing Fallon's back. "Here, go easy on these, you'll get too drunk to drive home" He told her, taking her glass away. "I'll crash at yours" Fallon said, trying to take her drink back. "Not a good idea" Jeff replied bluntly before watching his sister approach with Kori. "Whyy" Fallon moaned, feeling sorry for herself at this point, realising she had infact drank too much and couldn't drive herself home.

"Hey babe" Kori stated, before bending down towards Jeff and leaving a kiss planted on his lips. Catching eye contact with Fallon, Kori bit her bottom lip and smiled before sitting herself on Jeff's knee. "Ugh you've GOT to be kidding me?!" Fallon angrily said before standing up and staggering away. "Fallon!" Monica called, chasing after the drunk young woman.

Fallon's POV

I needed cold air. I needed fresh air. I couldn't believe what i just witnessed. My ex/cousin/friend was kissing Kori, after knowing what happened between us. Did i feel jealous? Did i feel rage? i didn't know. I just knew that i needed to get home before i was sick right here. "Taxi!" I called, sticking my hand out and staggering towards the main road. "Hey, pretty girl" I heard someone call behind me. Rolling my eyes and ignoring them, i carried on walking towards the taxi section before feeling hands on my back. "Want some fun tonight stranger?" I heard a man slur, as i felt as hand glide up my thigh. "No." I spat, pushing him away in my drunk state but finding it hard. "Come on, don't be like that" I heard him say as he pulled me towards him. "Il give you money if you leave me alone" I said, feeling slightly vulnerable due to my drunken state and nobody around me. "How much rich girl?" The man slurred before gliding his hand against my thigh again. "All of it!" i shouted, trying to focus my eyes on my surroundings. "Mmm sounds like a deal" The man slurred again but this time closer to my ear. I felt two hands this time around the bottom of dress trying to ease it up. "What the fuck are you doing?" I shouted. "You said all of it!?" The man replied. I was disgusted. "I meant the money!! Leave me the fuck alone" i shouted, my weak state caused me to stumble with my words. I saw a faint smile on his face and i knew he was going to try and take advantage of my actions due to me being drunk. I was glad when i saw Monica run out into the street calling my name. "beat it!" i heard monica call before approaching me and wrapping me in her arms. "What the fuck?" She asked, making sure i was ok. "Take me home please" I began to cry. "I need my bed".

Author note:
Hope you liked the update!
Thanks to everyone who has read so far!
See you in the next one,
FicsandChics x

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