Welcome, Rules, and House Tour

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So, before we start, I am going to be referred to in this story as "Em", because that's my nickname. 

The story starts with Jeremy, Michael, Christine, Jenna, Chloe, Brooke, Rich, Jake, and the SQUIP appearing in a comfy room with couches, a table, a CD player, and a bunch of Legos on shelves .

Jeremy: W-Where are we?

Chloe: I don't know.


Jeremy: *screams*

Michael: What?

Jeremy: My SQUIP!

Michael: WHAT! 

SQUIP: Um, hello?

Michael: Why can I see you?

Em: *Appears out of nowhere* Authoress magic.

Jake: So, who are you?

Em: I am the Authoress. This is a magic house. It will do whatever you want.  Whoa, that's too dramatic, even for me. My real name is Em.

Christine: *playing with Legos* Hi Em!!!!!!!!

Em: So, here are my rules. No fighting, no destroying stuff, no cooking without me watching, no smoking, and have fun!

Michael: Okay!

Em: So, this house has a lot of cool stuff. There's an arcade with old games

Michael and Jeremy: YES!

Em:A movie room, a library, a garden, a computer room, a coffee room, free wifi

Jenna: Yes!

Em: A karaoke room

Christine: Yaaaaaaay!

Em: * laughs* And a fridge with lots of food. Any questions?

SQUIP: Why the hell are we here?

Em: For the entertainment of myself and the readers. Oh! I forgot to mention, you guys are all fictional characters from a musical.

Rich: So, we don't exist? (I'm too lazy to write the lisp)

Em: Well, in your universe, you do. But heere, no.

Jeremy: *screeching* Did you just make a pun with my name?!?!?

Michael, Christine, Jenna, Brooke, Chloe, Rich, and Jake: *laughing on the floor*

SQUIP: *eye roll* You guys are idiots.

Em:  But they're cute idiots!

SQUIP: *eye roll*

Em: * turns* Yep. Get used to it.

Jeremy: I-I just noticed. Jenna, Brooke, and Chloe haven't said much, which is weird.

Em: *turns again* That's because Brooke and Chloe are kissing, and Jenna's reading her social media.

Em: So, these are the rooms; Jeremy and Michael in one, Rich and Jake in another, Brooke and Chloe in the third one, Jenna and *sings*Christine *talks like a somewhat normal person* are in another, and the SQUIP gets his own room.

Christine: Amazing! But, why'd you sing my name?

Em: You have a lot to learn my friend. I'm gonna turn on some music. What do you guys want?

Christine: Hamilton!
Jeremy: I don't know!
Jenna: Taylor Swift!
Brooke and Chloe: *too busy chatting*
Michael: Bob Marley!
Rich: Rock!
Em: *hands Rich a stone*
Jake: Whitney!
Em: *is THIS close to being sad*
SQUIP: I don't even care.

Em: Okie! I'll put on the Be More Chill cast album! Wait, that's a dumb idea. Let's listen to Newsies.

Let the chaos begin!

A/N: That was weird. What do you think? Yes, everybody is out of character. Sorry! So, since I have a no using kitchen stuff without me nearby, somebody (probably Rich) is going to almost set the kitchen on fire.  So, the BMC people are going to receive a cat next chapter. Please send me a sketch and description of the cat you want me to give them! Thanks!

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