Chapter 2

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Jules' POV

After Gabe hit me, I left the room to go clear my head. Who in their right mind would put up with them for so long? Who in their right mind would treat their significant other like that after they confessed the darkest secret to exist? Sleep was induced by medicine, but it was very much needed. After the day I've had of dealing with them, and the situation, I deserve some peace.

When I woke up the room was silent as always. My day always starts the same and ends the same: in silence. When I finally got ready and headed downstairs, I was met with Alex and Butterfingers in the kitchen. Butterfingers made me my morning tea in my usual to-go cup for class. 

"He got you good, you can see it under the makeup." His hand held my face gently as he inspected the bruising. "I want you to know both of us are here for you, Princess. We both love you and you know you are always welcome to live with us." Interesting, maybe it would be best to do something along those lines, Butterfingers.

When I got to class it was around nine in the morning. My class schedule today would have me here until about one in the afternoon so I can pull a two to nine shift. Today I thankfully only had two classes, on my crazy days I have about four, not including online work. For me, it's good to be in school because it gets me away from the crazy life at home. School allows me to make my own decisions in what I truly want to do. 

Soon enough two rolled around and Hunter greeted me with his usual bubbly smile and a hug. His eyes soon found the bruises, but he didn't say anything and went on with his job. We were taking care of and feeding the infant gorillas that were given to the sanctuary due to loss of the mother, poaching, and even sickness. The shift was quick, as it always seems to be. In the locker room, Hunter spoke finally.

"Which one hit you?" Taking a breath, I stood up.

"I should r-" Hunter grabbed me by the shoulders and stared me in the eye.

"No," he seemed extremely determined to talk to me. "stop doing that, Julia. I'm your friend and I am here for you. From an outside perspective, they abuse you J. It isn't alright to put your hands on your spouse, not even someone you even dislike. It's wrong. You allow it to keep happening because you never put your foot down to stop them. You allow them to rope you back in and abuse you even more." His words stung and hit me deep down. "Julia, you are an amazing person who deserves more than the world can offer, realize that. My apartment is always open to you, I have an extra room. I am a friend who is concerned about your safety with them being around you. Please, take the opportunity." He was almost in tears.

"I'm okay, Hunter." I rubbed his arm gently, giving him a half smile. 

"Please, think about it. I don't know if I could live with myself if I knew I didn't at least try to help you. Just because they're scary and mean based on their names to the outside world; doesn't mean they should be that to you too."

Tempting Desires : Sequelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें