Chapter 1

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I was running from the cons and while i was running then i smelt more dire wolf but i keep running then i look back to see if they were still following and they weren't following me then i ran into a red and blue wolf"i am sorry"i said."it's alright what is your name"he asked me while looking over me."my name is (Y/n) and yours"i asked him."optimus prime"when he said his name i bowed my head then i look up i see yellow and red one,gray,red and 
blue one, and two twins both gray but one is with red and the other yellow then i see the yellow one come near me and look at my scar on my left side,over my eye,neck,shoulder and leg"this is our medic ratchet then jazz and the twins sideswipe and sunstreaker and i will tell the rest since we are headed back"i followed the to there home then ratchet came beside me"how did you get those scars"he asked me"starscream"then where there i met bumblebee and he was cute then there was also  wheeljack,hound,ultra magnus, prowl, smokescreen,drift, who was in a different pack with magnus and charge and i hope i can met them soon then their was crosshair who try to flirt with me but he ended a little hurt by me,and then me and optimus headed to the last den that was know next to mine and i saw a black wolf"ironhide this is (Y/n)"optimus said"hi"i said but he stayed quite"tomorrow you will go hunting ironhide since he hasn't been in awhile"i nod then went to my den and went to sleep then in the middle of the night i had a dream of starscream in my den then i woke up with someone in my den i got up and ran away from who ever was in my den"(y/n) wait"i stopped and i saw it was dawn and i looked behind me and saw ironhide

ironhide POV

i couldn't sleep cause of the new wolf (y/n) optimus instructed to me and i keep dreaming about her then i saw it was almost dawn so i went to wake her up when i got to her she saw me and ran away so i ran to catch up to her"(y/n) wait"then she stopped  and looked at me"its just me"i could see she was scared i walked up to her"are you ready to go hunting" and she nodded after an hour we saw a big buck before i could say anything i saw (Y/n) walking slowly toward the front of the buck then she nod,then i jump toward it but i kicked me than i got up and saw the buck charging toward (Y/n) who is hurt but she did somthing i never saw any wolf did before she dodged the buck charge than ran beside it the got the bottom of the neck were the pipe was at for it to breath and she held it then she killed the buck the she drugged it by her self to the other when we got there i saw everyone there even magnus pack there luckily this buck was big enough for everyone to eat"ironhide,(Y/n) there back"i heard bumblebee say then i saw everyone in the pack look over at us and they were shocked to see (Y/n) bringing the buck then she stop dragging the buck"everyone go ahead and eat"and everyone ate and i then (Y/n) went to the ratchet to get fixed up and ratchet came to eat but i didn't see (Y/n) with him so i grab a big piece of of meat and then i found her and she was in her den then i went to her and she looked at me and i went closer to her and gave her the piece of meat i brought and put it in front of her"you need to eat"

(y/n) pov

"you need to eat"i guess ironhide wanted me to eat then i see him leave"ironhide wait"then he turns around i tear a half of the meat and toss it to him"you need to eat too"he eats it then leave then i eat the piece he gave me then i fall asleep then i wake up with someone nuaghing me and when i wake up with ironhide doing it"is everthing alright"i ask him"yes i need to show you somthing"

transformer wolves ironhide x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant