Chapter 37 - Risen in Deed!

Start from the beginning

Helina had followed me up to the roof earlier, as I'd showed her where the tomb was and she observed the bored guards milling about trying to stay coherent by throwing pebbles at each other in a never ending game of 'can I annoy you more'? She'd indicated to me that she recognized some of the soldiers and she didn't think we'd be in any trouble of them, if we 'dropped by for a visit'. Well, I wasn't particularly interested in visiting the soldiers; as I knew they'd all be unconscious once the main event of history commenced. If I actually made it to 'the right place at the right time'; I'd be the only mortal human I ever knew of,  who actually witnessed the resurrection! I chuckled to myself.

Well, in trying to calm my restless anticipation; I settled down for a.... power nap.

A trumpet volley woke me and just as I realized it was the first crowing of the cock; came Helina hurrying into my room. Torch in hand and eager for some adventure, she shoved a bag of vaguely familiar objects into my lap, as I slowly sat up and tried to focus. Once I was awake enough to actually see strait....

Come! She enthusiastically motioned.

Helina was clad as a female version of an auxiliary Roman defender. I'd seen a couple of these types of.... 'civilian contractors' in Antonia as we were traipsing Jesus around half way between hither and... Thy Kingdom come! Apparently the Roman military had their own version of WAC's; I'd noted as the weapons they wielded were smaller lighter versions of typical soldier armaments.

Helina posted her torch a moment as she tossed me a belt with a dagger and a brown hooded woolen cloak that resembled an 18th century watch coat. She had a similar garment, she was in the process of fastening around her shoulders, while I was pulling mine on over my civilian clothing. She helped me with the belt, as I slung the bag over my shoulder, before she retrieved her torch and we were on our way.

I hoped Helina knew how to find her way around this city in the dark better than I did. Although I figured we wouldn't too easily miss a bunch of angels and someone rising from the dead; even if I didn't know exactly how to get to where we were going. I figured we could just look for the tomb with all the excitement!

We soon headed down the stairs and out the door; filled with anticipation of what we were about to witness. Maybe we'd get there in time to actually see it happen? I eagerly rubbed my hands together. I always wanted to know what angels looked like and what about the soldiers faces when all of this came down the pike? We would certainly beat Mary and Mary to the punch and what about Jesus? What would He look like? Would He look much different than He did Monday; the first time I saw Him? Would I even recognize Him? I wondered.

Maybe I'll just look for the guy with brown eyes and brown hair that looks like a gardener. I chuckled to myself, as I pondered all the possible reasons no-one recognized Him. I questioned. Maybe it was just because He wasn't what they were expecting? No, in reality He turned out to be more than any of us were expecting! Either way, I was looking forward to trying my eye at the great mystery of all-time - could I pick Jesus Christ out of a crowd?

I walked fast; trying to hurry Helina along; since though I was in a rush of excitement, I still didn't know where I was going. We walked through the deserted streets of Jerusalem making our way as quickly as we could, to the Triple Gate and the Red Heifer Bridge. I got this sense that dawn was rapidly approaching and it wouldn't be long until the 'first day  of the week' would be upon us.

We soon exited the city and were on our way across the bridge that stretched to the top of the Mount of Olives, just before the cemetery. We skittered around the red heifer altar, before we descended the path leading to the cemetery entrance. Helina extinguished her torch and we picked up our pace, as we could hear commotion in the not too distant path; then the cock crowed a second time. We must be getting close; I figured, when Helina nudged me and pointed to a soldier wandering aimlessly, chasing pebbles he was kicking about in his boredom.   

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