Chapter 6 - Attack on USJ

Start from the beginning

He told me he will keep his eyes and ears open, just in case, and he also thanked me for telling him. I also told him I sensed the presence within the horde of reporters who broke in, and told Uncle Shota that it might have been the presence who broke the gate.

After that, the conversations on the bus were normal, gossips, girls talking about girl stuff and occasionally questions were asked, mostly involving me. One of the girls, Mina, asked me if I liked someone, or was going out with someone, this surprised me and I blushed, and out of know where Kacchan says, "She's mine, and no one's getting her." which made me blush even more, after becoming friends again and All Might's first class, he confessed to me, saying he wanted me to be his girlfriend, which really surprised me as it was so out of character for him, he mostly shouted, screamed and swore at people, so I was taken aback and asked him to give me some time to think about it and process it.

But out of nowhere, Todoroki intervened and said, "You can't do it like that, what right do you have over who she dates and is with?" This surprised the class as the boy was known to be ice cold, but I knew a more carrying and gentle side of him, we have been friends for a while. Also, he kind of confessed to me a week after school began, also wanting me to be his girlfriend, I was torn between the two boys, and recently I noticed a sort of rivalry between the two.

After that conversation, everyone went back to doing whatever they were doing. And soon after that, we had arrived. I was the first to get out then momo and then tenya. As we were class 1-A's presidents and representatives. Tenya ordered everyone out and told them to stand in two rows like the ones they sat on the bus.

After that, the students saw the big sign saying, 'USJ' and as we enter we saw Thirteen, the rescue hero who deals with natural disasters. Since I haven't seen them for a while, I run and hug them, saying: "Thirteen! I haven't seen you for so long, did you miss me?" They laughed and said, "I did, It's been a while, hasn't it? How are you getting on, Izuma?" "I'm very well, I can't wait to start and show you how much I improved." They replied.  "That's the spirit, Izuma. I can't wait to see it then." after they said that, they explained that they knew me and that we will be training to rescue people from natural disasters, and that instead of actual people, It will be dolls programmed to act as much like a human as possible.

But the teachers were cut off from assigning us to our groups and respective area, because a portal appeared in the centre of the USJ and out came villains, "Whoa look, they actually got villains to make it more real!" Hiroshima said, "Those villains are not part of the exercise, their real villains." I and Aizawa said, shocking the students. The fact I knew it wasn't part of the exercise surprised them even more. "Leave the villains to me, Izuma. You and Thirteen should get the students out." He said in his normal tone, it becomes more serious and deadly with every word. "I don't think so, Thirteen can handle this on their own, you, however, won't stand a chance." After I finished saying that, I whispered "Time stop" and as if on command, everything froze. I went to the school, got my hero costume on, and left a voice message to play the moment I continue time, one that sounds across the school, it says "Trouble at the USJ, need assistance immediately, bring as many pro heroes as possible." afterwards I flew back to the USJ, and positioned Thirteen and the students close to the door so they can escape the moment I continue time. And rounded all the villains together, so it's easier for me and Aizawa to take them down.

After I was done I said, "Time continue" and everyone and everything started to move again, I could tell my message was being heard right now, and the surprised looks on the students faces when they found themselves close to the door, I then told them all, "Go, get out of here, I alerted the school of the villains, me and Aizawa will fight them off." I said. "okay, just be careful!" Thirteen said. And just when the students were getting out, the most villain, who created the portal in the centre of USJ said, "Not so fast, heroes, you will remain here." Before he engulfed the students and send them who knows where, I intervened, blasting fire then ice at him. He backed away, getting injured in the process.

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