Chapter 7 - Sports Festival Part 1

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Izuma's POV

During the couple days off, we found out the whole event that happened was recorded on live national television as the villains had thought they would embarrass the heroes by making them loose.

But their plan was turned upside down as they were defeated by the heroes. News of my fight and everything that happened between me and my real father spread like wildfire. We had to have a conference with news reporters because of it, and the fact that my real dad was a villain surprised everyone the most. But after we cleared the whole issue up, things returned to normal.

After the couple days off school were over, we were getting ready to return to school. On the day we had to go back, I woke up a bit earlier, had breakfast and decided to patrol before school, people very easily recognised me now because of the whole 'my real dad is a villain' thing. Most of them were saying supportive things, but some people looked as if they were trying to avoid me.

I encountered a couple of petty thieves and easily took them down, taking them to the police. Afterwards, I left to go to school. I arrived and everything was normal. My classmates all there, waiting for Aizawa to come in. And when I sat down, the man in question came through the door with his usual 'I don't care/I'm tired' face.

He goes to the front of the class and says, "Okay, I have some news for you, in a weeks time, the sports festival will take place. As I'm tired, I'll let Izuma explain what it is." And on cue, I stand up and walk to the front. Since I knew he might do something like this, I'm not as surprised as others.

"All right, so as Mr Aizawa said, in a weeks time the sports festival will take place. It's an event we will do every year for the next 3 years, and it's basically an event where you can show off your quirk and skills to pro heroes to potentially get an apprenticeship with one of them. Some heroes in training end up staying with pro heroes after graduation and never make a solo career. But back to the point, its technically a series of events the whole year takes part in and there is also a prize for the winners of the festival." I explain to the class, they all look really pumped and energetic about the whole event.

"Alright, calm down everyone." Uncle Shota says, "I have forgotten to mention that you have a week to prepare for the sports festival, which also means you won't have classes during this time, and that you should use the rest of this week and weekend to train properly and be ready for the sports festival, now get lost."

We did as he told us, we went home, trained for the rest of the week and weekend and by the time Monday came we were ready.

We got to class as normal and when it was lunchtime that day, we noticed the hall outside our class was filled with students, when we went to investigate, we found out they were from the other classes, and they were checking us out and seeing if we were any threat.

Kacchan goes and insults and angers everyone by calling them 'extras' and saying horrible things to them. A purple haired guy by the name of Shinsou stands up to Kacchan and they have a bit of an argument, which I stopped. And as soon as everyone saw me, the hall fell silent, some were whispering to others about me and saying things. Some even approached me, asking me about myself or asking for autographs, it seems I became more famous around here than I was before.

After the whole incident, we had lunch like normal and when we returned, Uncle shota told everyone tomorrow will be the sports festival day and to be prepared for it.

I got home, made dinner for all might/ dad and me he came home and we ate together, I spent the rest of the day training and sparring with dad, (the house is huge and the garden is bigger) me winning each time.

The next morning, I came to school prepared, and ready for anything. But as I walked to the arena where the sports festival is to take place, I felt the presence again, this time, however, I didn't ignore it and kept a close eye on where it was coming from, not giving away I sensed the person following me, I pinpointed that they were above me a bit of a distance away, I used my sight to see them and saw someone I was least expected to see, my father, but I soon noticed another figure with him, a man in all black, and the one who was releasing that presence, just thinking about it made me shiver internally.

The Anything black hero: Izuma MidoriyaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz