☠ Chapter Seven ☠

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3rd persons p.o.v
"Youre so bitter sweet" Sam whispered to Colby, to which he only laughed.

"I know" the brunette responded, wiping some remaining tears.

Sam stared at him in awe. He never truly realized how beautiful his boyfriend is. Though, he didn't want to be too sweet with him in case he snaps again.

Colby stared at himself in the reflection of the mirror after he sat up from sitting down on the cold floor.

Seeing himself reminds him of when he visited the psychiatrist.

He was afraid that day, he didn't know what was wrong with him.

He had a hint on what could be wrong and he only broke down when he visited the psychiatrist and he told him it was true.

Bipolar disorder.

Colby was heartbroken, but he held it together after crying for three minutes because he knew this would happen.

He was afraid to tell Sam.

Colby shook his thoughts off and sharply turned around to face the blonde who was still sitting on the floor spaced out. "Sam!" The brunette snapped, making the blonde jump.

Colby didn't mean to have this harsh tone. So he only sighed when Sam went back to the scared Sam.

"I have- bipolar disorder.." Colby said, immediately hitting the wall with his fist.

He wasn't mad at Sam, no. He was mad at himself.

He repeadingly punched the wall, until Sam stood up quickly and caught his fists.
"Babe, babe babe" the blonde said, trying to calm his boyfriend down. "Its okay" he tried reassuring, but Colby forcefully pulled his hands away from Sam.

"No! It's- it's not okay!" Colby cried, pounding his hands on the counter, looking at Sam through the mirror, Pieces of hair covering his face.  "Don't you understand?" Colby asks, his voice cracking. "It made me.."

He sighed. "It made me a monster" he finished, slowly turning to face Sam.
When Sam didn't respond, Colby sighed and headed towards the door.
"I'll be in my room if you need me.." Colby said, suddenly feeling sad. Sam only nodded, and let Colby go.

Sam went to his room shortly after Colby had. He didn't know what he was going to do.

He just felt upset and confused.

He didn't mind Colby being Bipolar, he was only scared.

Scared for his own safety.

Bitter Sweet • Solby Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ