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They say if the sun was a person, he would be a liar. But the moon, she'd be a Siren. A singing doom to the beautiful and the lost.

Do you believe in mermaids? Or sirens?

I don't know what we are.. but since we aren't the good kind, lets go with Siren.

I was human...once. Until they found me. Sereia and the others.

Sereia is the leader of our coven. She doesn't usually take part in captures, but she did in mine.

My human memories have become murky over time, but I remember having parents and a sibling.. maybe even a cat, I can't be sure.

Staying underwater for so long can do that to you, you lose all track of time and the world around you becomes a blur.

I'm told I looked pretty much the same then, tan and slim with dark hair and round brown eyes. Except I was barely 5'4'', and now I'm much leaner and my tail is longer than my whole upper body.

I may not remember my human life very well but I remember my capture in excruciating detail. Its something no converted Siren could ever forget.

While I was still human I remember almost drowning in the ocean. How and why I came to be there I cannot say.

I was gasping for breath and trying my hardest to stay afloat but the waves kept crashing against me. My throat and eyes stung from the salt and my limbs burned from exertion.

There was nothing to hold on to. But just as I was about to give up and give in to the mad ocean's rage I saw the vague outline of a rocky cave. It was just a few meters away, but I could have sworn it wasn't there a moment ago.

I tried to move towards it but the waves were too strong and there wasn't any strength left in my legs to swim. Amidst my desperate and panic thrashing around I saw a vague shimmering outline near the mouth of the cave.

It looked like a woman! Maybe a fisherman's wife, she would help me right?

I screamed for help with all the strength I could muster. The figure turned around sharply and my scream caught in my throat.

She had a terrible pale face framed by jet black hair. Her bright green eyes flashed with anger.

I froze. My gut knew the face of a predator when it saw one.

Her black hair swirled around her as she dived into the water and vanished.

The very next instant I felt something rough and scaly grab my ankles. It dragged me into the water, I kicked with all my might but it was of no use.

Within seconds I felt those scaly things wrap around my calves and my body. To my horror I realised they were hands. Pale hands.

I screamed a bloodcurdling scream but my head was already underwater.

The darkness engulfed me.

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