Peridot closed her eyes and mouthed something to herself. She then opened her eyes and blew out all seventeen of her candles with one breath. Everyone clapped and cheered. In response, Peridot grinned.

"What did you wish for?" I asked.

Peridot looked at me, her grin turning to more of a solemn smile. She carefully gripped my hand and sighed.

"I wished that it will stay like this," she whispered. "Forever."

I felt my mouth curl into a smile at her reply. "Yeah," I said. "Me too."

Yellow cut the cake into multiple pieces and gave one piece to each person. As Peridot had requested, she got the biggest piece. I saw her silently pump her fist into the air and smirk.

"You're happy," I whispered.

"Hey, I'd be happier if I were eating the whole cake," Peridot replied.

"Werewolf sized," I repeated what Yellow had said earlier. "You have to share."

Peridot rolled her eyes. "I have one mom, I don't need two," she said.

I snickered. "I understand," I replied.

Peridot looked back at the table, where many brightly wrapped boxes had been placed.

"No way," she said. "You guys got me presents?" Her eyes sparkled in excitement.

"It wouldn't be a great birthday without them," Yellow replied.

The crunch of wrapping paper announced that Peridot had grabbed the first present and was ripping the covering off of it.

"Whoa!" She exclaimed. "You got me a laptop!" She beamed at her mother.

"You've been asking for one since you became a teenager," Yellow said.

"Thank you!" Peridot exclaimed.

After she opened all of her other presents, I placed a small black box in front of her.

"Here's what I got for you," I murmured.

Peridot smiled that sweet, crooked smile. "Lapis," she said. "You didn't have to."

I watched her carefully open the box and gasp. My heart began to thump faster as I anxiously waited for her opinion on the present.

"Oh my stars," she said, taking the little necklace out. "Lapis, this is beautiful!" She examined the carefully cut green stone. You could see every little facet in its tiny heart shape.

"You like it?" I asked, fidgeting with my hands. "It's peridot, like you."

"I love it," she replied. "Can you help me put it on?"

I carefully took the necklace from her and walked behind her. I then held the necklaces in front of her and clipped it on in the back.

"There," I said.

Peridot felt the stone with her fingers and smiled. "Thank you," she replied. "This is so nice."

I could hear Smoky chuckling, and I almost immediately perked up.

"What?" I asked.

She looked at me. "I'll be waiting for the day when the object in that black box is an engagement ring," she said.

The heat rose to my cheeks, and I looked away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Peridot fidgeting with her necklace.

"Well," I said. "You like all of your presents?"

"Yeah," Peridot replied. "Especially yours."

"I can tell," I said, subconsciously reaching upwards and twirling my hair.

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