Chapter 2: Remains Of The Battle

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During the whole time of flying, James apparently fell asleep in Stephanie's gentle hands, since he was already tired of intentionally trying to swim away from the burning wreckage back at the critical battleground in the mighty ocean towards dry land.

As for him, he continued to sleep, cuddling against something furry and soft, dreaming that he was cuddling against the teddy bear that he has with him when he was a child, as someone was with him, that looked almost like his dear mother from the looks of her body.

She has fair skin color, long brunette hair that reaches down to the middle of her back.

She seems to be wearing a gorgeous long decent dress that reaches down to her ankles, flowing naturally like any dress would, but not too much to make it a little too flowy for her to constantly trip over.

Her familiar face was still hidden in his pleasant dream, although he naturally wanted to fondly remember who was precisely the familiar figure in his pleasant dream, although there wasn't anything to fondly remember a pretty face like hers.

They looked like they were outside, with the brilliant sky in a light blue with some visible clouds in the pleasant air, as the gentle wind was gently blowing past them, as James was with her, gently laying on the lush green grass on his stomach, as his beloved mother was right in front of him, the left-hand side of his head was gently laying on her lap, as she had her right hand on top of his head, smiling softly at him, as he was peacefully sleeping, cuddling against a small and brown fluffy teddy bear.

After a while of cuddling against his favorite teddy bear, the beloved mother gently placed her right hand on top of James' head that was in front of her around the teddy bear and softly spoke, "James, James it's time to get up."

But instead of waking up in the dream world, he woke up in the real world, looking slightly groggy from sleeping for a long time, but, looked confused as well as that too.

He was... oddly on top of something fluffy all right, but why the air was gently blowing at his head instead of his side of where he was earlier, in Stephanie's arms.

And the matter of fact, where is Stephanie?

Getting up slightly, he instantly noticed he was on top of someone's or something's back, that is lavishly decorated with brilliant feathers and some bits of fur, in the various colors of the glossy feathers were blue with the tips of dark blue, and the fluff that he was cuddling with was in a light blue.

Puzzle, he gently leaned over the side a bit to see what he was cuddling against, only to his considerable embarrassment, he was cuddling against her back covered with brilliant feathers, as she was casually flying through the air, while he was on her back, peacefully asleep.

He gently laid back down on Stephanie's gelatinous fluff, completely embarrassed about sleeping with her, although he did feel uncomfortable when he instantly started getting sleepy after a couple of countless hours in the air, being carefully carried by Stephanie as she typically flew, naturally heading towards the specific area of where the visible remains of the ship of where James said they typically remain at.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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