4. Wait Fireworks?

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You have no idea how exited I've been about this chapter :3.

Hehehe. Anyways chapie 4 everyone :D :D :D.

Beckondorf's POV

I was just about to go into the cabin Storm magiccally created when a guy, I think his name was Jason or something, walked up to me.

"Um hey Beckondorf your cabin's been trying to create an invention so we can ust electronics without attracting monsters but they can't get it to work." He started.

"They got the idea because Leo's birthday is comeing up and we want to be able to have music and They were wondering if you might know how to fix it." He finished.

"Well I don't know how to do it, but Storm know's a spell that can do that, so you'd have to ask her." I said, he simply nodded and walked away.

Storm's POV

I just finished talking with Jason and know I was working on the music. See since they haven't actually created an invention yet, they didn't have any electronics, so I had to also pick out the music. I also knew they were kind of scared to have me choose the music, probably bacause they didn't know that I was born in their time. They probably thought I was gonna choose a bunch of old people music. Whatever. Once I finished choosing the music I put the spell on it, so it wouldn't atract any monsters. Then I had an idea for the last song. I made a mental note to do that later. Then I put that aside and crawled into bed. Then Dragon (AN Dragon and Storm are married. Now before your all like 'But their teenagers!' Technically their a few thousand years old) walked in. He crawled in with me. Yeah we shared a room, but nothing else happened. Well we would occasionally steal kisses from each other, but that was it. He pulled the blanket over us both, and wrapped his arm's around my waist.

"Goodnight Storm." He said pecking me on the cheek. I smiled. 

"Night Dragon." I said, then I closed my eyes.

========Time Laps========

It was around the eveing and they were just about to began the party, as I finished setting up the music.

"Ok there you go." I said. I could tell they were still nerviose about it being old people music. I rolled my eyes, knowing no one could see. Then the music started playing and Their faces were pricless as 'Really Don't Care' by Demi Lovato started singing.

You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all.

You started messing with my head until I hit a wall.

Maybe I should've known, maybe I should've known.

That you would walk, you would walk out the door, hey!.

Said we were done, then met someone and rubbed it in my face.

Cut to the part, she broke your heart, and then she ran away.

I guess you should've known, I guess you should've known.

That I would talk, I would talk.

But even if the stars and moon collide.

I never want you back into my life.

You can take your words and all your lies.

Oh oh oh I really don't care.

Even if the stars and moon collide.

I never want you back into my life.

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