Kurt wished he didn't have to let her down, she looked just as eager and excited as he was, but as much as he wanted to see Blaine again, Blaine hadn't invited him to do so. Kurt wished it was any other situation and that Blaine was just any other guy, because if he was, Kurt would definitely make the first move and contact him again. Heck, but what could he do under these circumstances? Send the guy a tweet asking him if he wanted another fuck?! As if!

"No, I won't be seeing him again," he said softly, breaking it to her gently. Mercedes face fell.

"Why not?" She whined.

Kurt shrugged. He didn't want to relive everything that had happened the night before, even though Blaine's conversation and reaction were still weighing heavily on his shoulders. He was still quite confused about what had occurred at the end of the night and in his befuddled hung over state, Kurt was incapable of processing it. The way Blaine had held him, kissed him and spoken to him after they had sex, and then his extreme change of emotions to anger and then to sadness. Kurt still wasn't too sure whether all of it had even been entirely directed at him, or at other raging thoughts that could have been going through Blaine's head. Oh boy, did Kurt wish he could have a second chance, and he felt a distinctive longing tug in his body as he thought of Blaine, wishing he could just be in the same room as him again.

"He's a rock star, Mercedes. It was just for one night."

Mercedes lowered the pillow and gave him a sympathetic look, "Hmm, I guess he does belong to a different world, doesn't he? Oh well, at least you had that one night, hey?"

"Yeah, and it was a great night."

Kurt was done reminiscing though. He didn't want to talk about it anymore and he feigned a yawn, "I'm sorry, but you know, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

Mercedes looked devastated, "I guess you're right." She rose from the bed and gave Kurt a quick hug. "Don't you worry, Kurt, we'll find you someone, someone fantastic who can treat you right and I think I have just the plan," Kurt's eyebrows rose in surprise and he watched her skeptically, "but don't worry, I'll tell you the idea after you've had some sleep."

Usually Kurt was very dubious of Mercedes matchmaking endeavors, but maybe just this once, he would go with it. He believed he was going to need something drastic to make him forget Blaine, and really, that was just what he needed to do. Alone in his room, Kurt sighed and flopped back on his pillow hoping that sleep would find him again, but when he closed his eyes, all that he could see were those gorgeous dark curls and honey eyes staring back at him. Forgetting Blaine was going to be a very hard thing to do.

Three days later...

"Oh, fuck Santana! That feels good!" Blaine gasped and he couldn't stop the low, rumbling moan that escaped from deep within him. "Please," he begged, "whatever you just did. Do it again!"

"Oh, Blaine," Santana tutted and she gave him a wry smile. She moved her hands once again and Blaine let out another merciless long groan.

"Your fingers! No one should be allowed to do that with their fingers," Blaine squirmed slightly under her touch. "Ooohhh, yeah right there, right there!"

Santana felt him shudder beneath him and she tried to hold onto her laugh, "Turn over Anderson," she ordered, "you've only got me here for another fifteen minutes."

Disappointed, Blaine sighed and rolled onto his stomach. He knew that there was no point in arguing with Santana, she always got her way.

"If only you were man, Santana," Blaine said in a muffled voice, his head now resting into his arms.

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