Chapter 4

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Mercedes nearly choked on her coffee.

"What? No!" She put her cup down on Kurt's bedside table and then in varying degrees of emphasis and pitch, she continued. "No! No! Noooooo!"

Kurt shook his head, "I feel like I'm having a déjà vu!"

He had only been home for four hours and only vaguely remembered stumbling through the front door. Kurt thought he had done so quietly, but obviously not, for Mercedes had rushed out of her bedroom bleary eyed to see if their cozy apartment had become victim to a break-in instead. Kurt hadn't thought that he had still been that drunk either, but after the long cab ride home his stomach had definitely been feeling worse for wear. Mercedes, the ever true friend, hadn't enquired about his night and instead patted his back as he had thrown up in the toilet, escorted him to his bed, and gave him two Advil with a large glass of water. She then tucked him in, kissed him on the forehead and turned off his light, closing his door quietly behind her. Her sympathy and motherly concern seemed to have a time limit however, because at the crack of dawn she hadn't been able to contain herself any longer and she had burst back into his room to discover just what had happened.

"You didn't!" Mercedes exclaimed excitedly.

Kurt hid behind his pillow. The only sign of him was the tuft of hair coming over the top and his pair of wide blue eyes. The news sank in even further and Mercedes brought her hands up to her face in astonishment. "You. Had. Sex. With. Blaine. Anderson? Like, the Blaine Anderson!"

And again, just like the day before, before Kurt could answer, Mercedes continued.

"Details!" she demanded, "I'm not leaving this room until I hear everything about it," she picked up Kurt's spare pillow and hugged it to her body in anticipation. "What the hell was it like?"

Kurt couldn't help himself and his face broke out into the hugest smile, but no, he really couldn't, he had never gone into the explicit details of his sexual encounters with her before. They joked and talked around the edges, but never in great depth. "It was fucking amazing, I'll just say that."

"OH, COME ON!" She cried, and then with an exaggerated pout, "It was with Blaine Anderson! I am your best friend in the whole wide world and I command that you spill your beans!"

"Mercedes, I'm not going to go into the nitty gritty details of our...night together." 'Night together' seemed much more appropriate than 'the best night of no-holds-barred fucking!' Kurt thought.

"Kurt Hummel," Mercedes warned venomously folding her hands across her chest and pillow, "who helped you pass your algebra test in Middle School when everyone else had given up on you? Who joined you in every Glee rehearsal? Who stood by you when you were viciously bullied in school?"

Oh God! Why did she have to go there? "You are the meanest creature in the world," Kurt sighed, "it was fucking hot okay, and fucking scandalous, and just like, hell!" Kurt wanted to claw his face off as the electric images of Blaine fucking him flashed before his eyes, and Mercedes eyes went wide as she saw him relive some of the moments.

"Okay, stud boy!" she quickly interjected, "no need to get all worked up again. Just let me know on a scale of one to ten, how was it? Bearing in mind that the numbers below five don't really exist in this situation."

"Urr, do I only get to go up to ten?" Kurt teased, "Because seriously, it was off the fucking charts! And really, even though I haven't exactly been with a lot of people, there are not many people who would compare with Blaine Anderson."

Mercedes clapped her hands together in glee, but then, her face became all serious.

"And now the most important question," she paused dramatically. "Are you going to see him again?"

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