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Violet point of view:
Oh my god why did I say I love you, and why did he say it back........ Maybe if I go to sleep I'll forget about it or at least I can try to tell him sorry for saying I love you and tell him I was really sleepy.

Next morning~
I get dressed for work, brush my teeth, make breakfast, and start walking to work. Then all of a sudden I hear a person call my name I turn around to see a man running towards me screaming stop. When he finally gets to me he says, "hi", I look at him for a minute before I remember it's Namjoon. I say, " Hi" I blushed a little,
he looks at me and then he hugs me. "how are you", he says, I say,good and you? He says "hiding",I laugh a little"why?" He looks at me ,so you find that funny me hiding, yeah I chuckled. Well I'm hiding from my members so they don't find me. I laugh, are they hunting you lol, he says, "yes".I laugh again,he asked me if I was going to work and I said, "yes".Can I come with you he ask,I say it's up to you. He looks at me and smiles it makes my heart start pounding, I look at him and smile and start walking and he walks beside me we have small conversations, until I get to my work.

Namjoon point of view:
I see violet walking and I start running to her yelling "stop!".She turns around and looks at me, and starts walking to me, we finally are in front of each other I say " Hi" she looks at me for a couple of minutes, then she smiles and says "hi", I hug her because she seems like she had a hard day yesterday. I ask her how she is, she says" good " and then she asked me, "how I was doing?" I say hiding, but I wasn't hiding I want to talk to violet, I hadn't really talked to her since that night. She laughs at my comment I say "you find that funny?" She chuckled,I had butterflys in my stomach when she chuckled,god it was so cute I felt my cheeks heat up. She said "yeah", I tell her that I'm running from my band members so I don't look like I'm hiding for something stupid.... she laughs again and it makes my heart skip a beat because her laugh is so cute I love it I want to make her laugh all the time now.... I decided to change the subject so I ask her if she is going to work she said, "yeah" I ask if I can come she says "that's up to you". I look at her and smile the she smiles and start walking I job trying to catch up to her,and then I started walking beside her, and we had small conversations in between like, what we were going to eat tonight and what we were going to do next week, not much conversation but just enough so we can learn more about each other. We get to her work and no time, and I'm going with her, she tells me that I'll have to leave soon because her shift starts in 10 minutes I tell her okay, while we wait for her shift, we talk and learn more about each other. I learned she likes drawing, singing and what she wants to do after she gets out of college, she wants tobecome a painter.

Violet point of view: we get to my work, and we go in and go to the break room. I tell me I have to leave soon, because my shift starts in about 10 minutes, we talk, we learned more about each other, I learned that he is a singer/rapper and is in a famous band called BTS.  10 minute comes too soon and I tell him I have to go to work, he leaves and says, bye, I tell him bye and hope he has a good rest of the day.

Next week~
Violet point of view:
I text Namjoon
Me:hay would you like to go hang out this week? 😎👉6:29PM

Namjoon:yeah, what time and day?
7:20 PM
Me:tomorrow around 3 PM is that okay?

Namjoon: yeah, that's great

Me:okay,see you later 👋

Namjoon: bye 😊👋

Me:bye 😘

My heart start pounding and I had butterflies in my stomach, I think I like him.

😟sorry if this chapter is not good. I had to go to the doctors. So if you see any mistakes or problems, please comment and tell me, and I'll go back to the story and I'll fix it. I'm just not really feeling good today, so see all you guys next time I lovelys~lilly unnie ❤💓💞💖💘😭😟

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