Chapter 1: Meggy's Nightmare

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It was nighttime in the Mushroom Kingdom. Everyone has gone off to bed, all drifting off to sleep. Everyone dreams what they usually dream at night.

SMG4 dreams about memes.
Fishy Boopkins dreams about anime.
Bob dreams about trash.
But what about Meggy?

Well, tonight Meggy will be devastated by one dream she will never forget.

Inkopolis; 10:00 PM

Meggy was all cozy in her bed, with her dream starting peaceful. She was walking around in the Mushroom Kingdom, bright sky and everything. All was peaceful for 15 seconds until something dark showed up.

Coming right out of nowhere, one of Bowser's airships comes flying in. Everyone was panicking as the ship opened fire. The ship lands, as Bowser comes out of it.

Bowser: Bwah hah hah! Soon I will take over this lousy kingdom for all eternity!

Bowser's minions started taking everyone into the ship.

All of Meggy's friends; SMG4, Luigi, and everyone else, were being kidnapped. Mario, being the only person not kidnapped other than Meggy, decided that he should take Bowser down, as he starts running at that monster. Bowser immediately grabs Mario by the neck and pummels him to the ground.

Meggy: No! Don't hurt him!

Meggy couldn't watch Mario getting beaten. Bowser, however, has another trick up his sleeve. He pulls out a gun and points it at Mario.

Meggy: Don't do it! Don't do it!

Bowser finally pulls the trigger and puts Mario out of his misery. As seeing Mario's limp body falling on the ground, Meggy immediately faints, as the last image she sees is Bowser flying away in his airship, laughing maniacally.

Meggy woke up from that horrible nightmare, and she was stunned. She couldn't stop seeing Mario's dead corpse. She was scared of the possibilities of that happening for real, that she started to cry. She needed Mario more than ever.

So, what do you think? This story will only have 3 chapters, hence the term "mini-story". This might be the only story I'll make, however. Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter.

SMG4 Mario X Meggy: Nightmares of Love (mini-story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang