Chapter 20

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"Holy shit," I breathe softly as I look down at the paper in my hands. I shake my head gently and look again, but it doesn't change the words that are so clearly written in black and white.

For the last two days I've spent as much time as possible trying to find something out about Annie. Anything and everything I can about Annie. Which is extremely difficult, seeing as I can't tell people what I'm after or why. I'd finally resorted to stealing. I'd stolen or I should say, borrowed, Annie's blood test results from the day of the attack up until the day she'd left, and there were lots of them. I look down at the first blood sample results and then back to the last blood result that Millie had taken before Annie and Jason had left.

"Damn it, Annie. What the hell have you gotten yourself into," I mutter to myself as I wait in the woods for Rafe.

"Who's gotten into what?" Rafe asks suddenly from behind me. I suck in a startled breath and turn quickly to face him. My heart is racing in panic, but the panic fades now that I know its Rafe.

"Sorry," he mutters, before he nods to the papers in my hands, "What are those?"

I blush softly as guilt rushes through me, but hell, I'm only borrowing them!

"Annie's blood test results," I mumble. He raises his eyebrow in question. I shrug and clear my throat, "I borrowed them," I say. A small smile touches the corner of his lips for a tenth of a second.

"Stole them," he clarifies and I shake my head.

"Borrowed," I say and he watches me silently, waiting for me to back down, "I borrowed them! I will return them... but I'm sort of glad I did borrow them," I mutter and he moves forward.

"Why?" he asks as he steps up next to me and peers over my shoulder, "I don't see anything wrong with them," he says.

"No, Millie didn't either, but then, she's used to dealing with Werewolves," I say. I look over my shoulder to meet Rafe's eye. I can't help but notice the way his body is so close to mine or how the scent of fresh rain, newly cut grass and the wildness of the forest hit my senses as I take in his scent.

"And Annie is human?" Rafe says, but the way he says it makes it clear he thinks I'm thinking differently.

"Rafe, her blood changed. Look here," I say, holding up the first blood sample taken from Annie, "She's human. Completely human," I mutter.

"Ok," he nods as he looks down at the paper. I lift the second blood test up.

"Here... Well she isn't completely human," I mutter and he steps impossibly closer to me; so close his chest is pressing up against my back.

"Emily... I'm no good at the medical," he growls.

"Neither am I, but... look," I say as I point out different cells on the paper, he shakes his head, not seeing what I am, "Rafe, when she was first tested she was fully human. When she was last tested, she was half Werewolf, half human," I say and he stiffens.

"So, she's half Werewolf?" he mutters. I shake my head.

"This was taken a while ago and from what I can see looking through all of her blood tests, the speed was increasing. She's been changing into a Werewolf at a slower pace than normal, but over the months the turning has sped up," I say as he rests his hand lightly on me hip as he reads over the papers I'm still holding.

"I'm guessing this isn't good. Considering she was bitten by a rogue," I mutter and he sighs softly, his warm breath staring my hair a little.

"No, it's not good at all. A rogue's DNA is different to that of a normal Werewolf's," Rafe mutters, "I don't know much about human DNA, but I do know that there's a reason humans die once bitten by a rogue." 

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