Chapter Thirty-Seven - The Demon's Queen - End

Start from the beginning

Softening she turned her attention back on the elf. "Why did you kill my mother?" she asked point blank.

Mia's eyes widened. "We didn't kill her."

She frowned in confusion, the elf looked generally surprised. "My father told me. You killed her because she left to be with him. You're kind is vengeful to anyone who break your laws."

"That's a little bit of an exaggeration." Mia chuckled. "We don't usually kill someone for it. It's more like we shave their head while they sleep and cast an enchantment so it won't grow back. Or write on their face with permanent marker."

Her jaw dropped, "Seriously?"

"We would never kill Adora, especially for being with her mate. Such a bond is sacred to us."

"Her mate?" Did she just hear that right? "Elves have mates?"

Mia nodded. "We do. It's very rare and not like other species but we do have them. Your father was Adora's mate, just as Sebastian is your mate."

"Sebastian is my mate?" She looked up at Sebastian.

"You felt it didn't you, the connection?" Mia asked. "The need to be close to him, to create an unbreakable bond. I bet you craved his bite."

She had! "I didn't know..."

"I didn't know either, little one." Sebastian smile down at her. "But it does please me to hear this."

"It was foretold to us that Sebastian was your mate," Mia informed her. "That's why we let him take you at the auction."

Anger flared in her gut, squashing her previous shock. "You were at the auction?"

Mia nodded with a grin. "Sure was. It was very exciting."

She gritted her teeth. "You watched all those poor girls be taken away. You were laughing the whole time!"

"Whoa, down killer." Mia waved her hands in front of her. "We didn't let anything happen. Why do you think we found it so funny? Those saps actually thought we would let them walk off with those poor girls. Ascended were waiting for them, every girl was saved."

"But...but..." she stammered to a halt, shocked to the core.

"We only let the auction go as long as it did so King Sebastian could win you. Once you were safe we nailed those Legion asses to the wall."

"You did?"

"There are a lot of bad players after you and we knew King Sebastian could keep you safe. He would never let anything happen to you," Mia stated with confidence.

She felt Sebastian stand a little taller beside her.

"And you didn't kill my mother?" she asked softly.

Mia's eyes grew misty. "No elf would ever kill Adora. She was beloved by all. She was our queen."


"Queen," Sebastian blurted.

"Ah, that makes perfect sense!" Charles exclaimed excitedly. "That's why you bound her name!"

"Sure is. Only a few elite members of the council such as myself know," Mia proclaimed proudly. "After Adora was killed we had to keep our new queen safe from the Legion."

"Q...queen?" Victoria stuttered.

"That's right. You are the rightful queen of the elves. We serve you and only you. It's kind of like an unbreakable bond," Mia explained.

"That's why Shaw wanted her," Sebastian growled. "He found out about Victoria. If he made her his..."

"Then he would have total control over the elven armies," Mia finished. "That wolf is on a real power trip, wants to rule on high. Gabriel wanted Victoria for the same reason, and if she refused then he had a high prized bargaining chip."

Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)Where stories live. Discover now