"Hehehe, you were so down earlier that you weren't interesting at all, but now you seem to act like you're depressed. Are you in love? No, you don't smell like you are. Oh, I wonder what it could be."

"Sorry, could you leave me alone?" Himiko wouldn't stop rambling on, so Midoriya decided to end the conversation.

Himiko wasn't fond of being brushed off like that as her eyes narrowed. "I'll find out; I'll find out so much about you I will be you," With those strange words, Himiko walked away from Midoriya, leaving him confused. Once she was out of earshot, Midoriya began to mumble to himself everything she could have meant.

After school with a bag over his shoulder, Midorioya begins to walk to his favorite run-down bar. Barely a few blocks away from school, Midoriya gets an odd feeling he is getting followed, but every time he turns around, the feeling vanishes, and there is no one there. Remaining calm, Midoriya takes a turn down an alley with the sun to his back and his eyes at the ground while walking much slower.

When Midoriya notices a new shadow behind him, he quickly turns around, seeing a knife going straight for him. Quickly activating his quirk, Midoriya grabs the arm holding the knife, making sure to use as little enhancement as possible to keep the illusion he is still quirkless.

"How did you know I was following you?"

"I knew I was being followed and figured it would be you from your comment at lunch. Saying you wanted to be me, my guess, your quirk probably has something to do with transformations. Since your quirk wasn't invisibility, all I had to do was wait until you turned the corner and use your own shadow to find you," Midoriya quickly twisted her arm, making her drop the knife to the ground.

"You should be nicer to a maiden hehe," quickly pulling out an art compass, she starts swinging it, causing Midoriya to back up a bit. She quickly reaches down, grabbing the knife from the ground. "I didn't like you before, so I was planning to cut you up then see if you would look better than, but you're so calm and cool," Himiko charged again, swinging the sharp weapons, "I want to cut you even more now. I want to see you bleed and find out how cool you are then."

Despite the attacks coming almost randomly, Midoriya was getting overwhelmed since he was still using the bare minimum of his quirk, and Himiko's acrobatics were causing problems. Seeing no way out, Midoriya quickly uses more of his quirk as she suddenly closes in, and he aims to punch Himiko in the stomach.

The subtle changes in Midoriya's agility cause Himiko to immediately back off, avoiding the punch as she gazes at Midoriya with a smile, "a shame I didn't get to see your blood, but you are very interesting. I will see you again tomorrow." Suddenly blowing Midoriya a kiss as she runs out of the alley. Not wanting to lose her, Midoriya quickly runs out of the alley, but Himiko was already gone, likely escaped with the same technique she used to stalk him.

With a sigh, Midoriya continues his walk to the bar. He was moving slower, making sure he wasn't being followed by that crazy girl, Himiko Toga. During the walk, he tried to understand the girl who attacked him, but her words and actions were just too crazy. Midoriya was so lost in thought, that he didn't notice when he arrived a the bar, only coming to his sense when he was standing right outside the door.

Slowly opening it, his eyes look around, seeing Shigaraki sitting down and Kurogiri behind the bar like usual. The TV still on with the words sound only appearing like normal.

"You're later than usual I thought you weren't coming today."

"It's nothing."

Sitting down, Kurogiri slides over some juice as he always does when Midoriya arrives. Midoriya wonders if he should talk about his interaction with All Might and the crazy girl. He decides not to, mentioning either of them would cause problems and a lot of questions.

"Are you going to watch the UA sports festival next week?" Midoriya asked, remembering it was coming up as he always watched it.

"Why would I do that?"

"Wouldn't it be best to learn more about those kids that were with All Might?" Kurogiri spoke, trying to encourage Shigaraki to take a bit more interest.

"Sounds like a pain."

Seeing the conversation drop-dead, Midoriya reaches into his bag, sliding across a notebook that's burned with the number thirteen on it. Slowly picking it up, Shigaraki makes sure not to activate his quirk as he begins going through it.

"These are rather impressive. Hero's quirks, possible applications, possible restrictions, and even clothing functionality," as he glances through the notebook, he stops at one of the pages. "Oh, you know him?" He asked, showing Midoriya the info on Bakugo Katsuki.

"Yea, I know Kacchan."

"Kacchan? is he like your friend or something?" Shigaraki didn't know how to feel about Midoriya knowing someone from UA.

"We were friends back in elementary, sorta, but now friend is the farthest thing between me and him. To him, I'm Deku, the useless quirkless pebble on the side of a road." Gripping his hands into a fist, Midoriya glares at Shigaraki. "Deku means one who can do nothing. I will show Kacchan that Deku will leave him with nothing."

"Alright, I guess we can watch it," Shigaraki responded after seeing Midoriya's hateful passion for his ex-friend.

Midoriya nods as his gaze shifts to the TV which has remained completely silent this whole time before shifting his gaze back to his juice as a thought crossed his mind. What else was done to him besides being given a quirk?


"Shigaraki Tomura - Quirk: Decay "

Decay destroys anything his hands touch, making it crumble to dust. It is not voluntary and will only activate if all five fingers touch an object.

The Villain born from Shattered DreamsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя