Chapter 13

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Chapter 13Warm Night____________

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Chapter 13
Warm Night

[[ JIYOO ]]

"Seunghyub! Ohmygod!" I grabbed him by the shoulders as soon as I saw him that night, about to throw the trash.

His eyes widened. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Changgu asked me to go with him to the ball!" I exclaimed.

He shoved me away and proceeded towards the dumpsters. "I thought you were having an emergency."

"This is emergency!"

He looked at me lazily. "How is that an emergency? Just go, if you want to go."

"I didn't say I'm going yet." I said, shoulders dropping as we walked together.

"Why? You don't want to?"

"It's not that... I don't want to. It's just a lot of work, you know? What am I going to wear? It's not like I'm hiding dresses in my closet that'll suit the event. And what about makeup? I can't do makeup! And hair? The best I could do is ponytail."

Seunghyub gave me a quick glare. "Why are you so problematic about it? Mijin can help you with hair and makeup, or you can just go to the beauty salon. As for the dress, you just have to buy."

"Buy? I'm barely able to pay my bills."

"Then, ask Changgu to buy it for you."

I hit his arm. "Are you crazy?"

"He's the one inviting you in the first place!"

"No way!" I said and sighed, "And I've never been to a ball. What do people even do there?"

"Probably flaunt fancy things." Seunghyub replied with a shrug.

I sighed again as we climbed up the stairs. We were quiet for a while until he asked, "So, did he say it's a date?"

My eyes widened. "What? No! Why would it be a date?"

"Isn't it a date when a guy asks a girl to this kind of event?"

"Why are you asking me? You're the guy!"

"I'm not like your Changgu."

I gasped. "He's not my Changgu!"

Seunghyub gave me a lop sided grin. "Sure, just look at you blush."

"Shut up! I'm going to push you down the stairs!" I threatened.

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