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Today was the day of the Halloween party, Jungkook had already left to help set up at Seulgi's house.

I realised I only had three hours until the party started so I got ready into my costume and makeup with the other girls.

Everyone was matching with their couples or duet partners, who even knows who's who to each other anymore?

Jen went as a sexy cat with Tae. Mary went as a sexy clown with Suga. Rosie went as a sexy witch with Jiminie. Ellie went as a sexy zombie with RM. Emily went as a sexy soldier with Hopie. Lily went as a sexy fairy with eomma Jin. And finally, I went as a sexy police officer with my dearest Kookie.

I arrived at the party around half an hour late, which was basically on time for me!

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I arrived at the party around half an hour late, which was basically on time for me!

When I got there, the girls and I took a few shots to get us started off at having a really good night.

I stumbled around a bit looking for JK, only to find Jackson!


I was just going to get myself another drink when I saw a tipsy looking (Y/N) walking around in the hottest costume I have ever seen.

'Hey you okay (Y/N),' I asked putting my hand on her arm for support, goodness. I realised how much I missed her when I finally saw her.

'Sorry but I'm looking for Kookie-ah, see you later,' she replied removing my arm and walking away.

The sexy ones are always the hardest to win over. But when they're sexy and cute... No chance.

JK's P.O.V

Finally! Bajj was here! I saw her swiftly brush off Jackson before inching closer to me, 'My baby knows, ahhh'. As she neared me and I got a good look at her costume, my dick almost exploded!

Was she trying to seduce me right then and there or what?

When she reached me, she stumbled a bit. Was she tipsy already? Interesting...

'Kookie ah, you look v-very hot!' She stuttered, clearly not sober.

'So do you my baby Bajj,' I said pulling her in for a hug- but mainly just to grope her ass- I mean what...

'J-just know that only you can touch me l-like that Kook!' She shouted.

'I'll be sure to remember that, don't you worry baby.' I firmly answered, as if I didn't already know.

I watched her (ass) as she ran off to Lily to go do slutty dancing or whatever girls do at parties.

Suddenly, the DJ stopped the music and picked up a microphone, 'Have we got any dancers in the house tonighhttt y'alllllllll!!!'

BTS and I saw Bajj and her friends scream up and down along with some other girls.

'Do I hear a, who's-the sexiest-dancer-at-this-party-tonight competition?' He shouted, hyping everyone up.

They all cheered but the guys did too this time, they clearly wanted to see all the girls dance in their revealing costumes.

He got all the girls into the middle and everyone formed a circle around them.

'Okay, so y'all gonna watch them all dance for thirty seconds, at the end I'll call their names out and you can scream for your favourites. The best two will go head to head in a sexyyy finalll. Let's goooo!' He bellowed.

I saw Bajj and her friends walk into the circle and begin dancing rather, ummm, well nicely... Yeah.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was currently dancing with Lily in this competition with about twenty other girls.

There was a circle of guys around us but I just noticed Kookie smiling his bunny smile at me.

I pointed at him and made sexual gestures, some other guys also seemed to notice what I was doing and were cheering for me as well.

The thirty seconds soon ended and he made everyone cheer.

When it was my turn, surprisingly a lot of people cheered, yasss (Y/N).

It turns out that I was in the final with my bro Lily.

'In the final, you two sexy ladies will be giving a lap dance to anyone of your choice. Whoever the audience decides is the sexiest, winnns!' That DJ added again.

Everyone cheered as Lily walked over to Jin and took his arms pulling into the middle of the circle and sitting him on the chair.

My bestfriend was so good, I was cheering her on from the side as well as everyone else.

At some point Jackson came up next to me and put his arm round me- he knows we're just friends right?

He slowly moved his hand down to my pretty exposed ass and grabbed it. I squealed at his action and pushed him, 'Jackson, I missed you a lot but our relationship is strictly platonic!'

'I know baby but, come here,' he ordered.

I didn't listen though, I carried on cheering my girl on!

She was proper going in, like I almost became a lesbian for her.

Jin looked so horny too, touching her up a bit and grinning at certain moves. They're definitely gonna fuck after this...

The song finished and now it's my turn, I skipped over to my one and only and smiled evilly at him.

He looked so innocent, his bunny smile already excited me.

JK's P.O.V

Bajj, walked over to me and started luring me towards the chair (with her exposed cleavage ahem), I followed innocently.

But, my face sank when I saw Jackson pull her away from me and sat on the chair.

I was so angry, (Y/N) is my girl! Not Jackson's.

I pulled him off the chair, 'You do know this girl is mine, right.'

'She doesn't have to be,' he cooed brushing his hand on her face.

'Don't touch her, how dare you!' I shoved him away, rather harshly, getting angry.

He walked away laughing, that little bitch! Others began booing him out of the door, bye bitch.

I was about to go and punch him in the face when Bajj's smol sad face blocked my view.

'Kookie,' she mumbled, pulling me away from him.

I smiled and remembered why I was here, I looked at her costume (her boobs) and decided he wasn't worth it.

I let her pin me on the chair and got all giddy for the really fun time that awaited me.

The song 'Hit me Baby one more time' by Brittany Spears came on and I saw her face light up.

She danced away, grinding on me, moving my hands on her body and all the usual things that would be included in a lap dance (it reminded me of her birthday).

All the guys whistling and cheering for her kinda made me jealous but it just proved that she was the sexiest girl there.

Once the song finished, the DJ asked who won.

A lot of people cheered for Lily but more ended up cheering for Bajj. I lifted her up and spun her around out of excitement!

After that, Bajj and I danced for a bit and drank some more alcohol but nothing too major. Just your average sesh.

Around midnight we both left the party together, Jin Hyung drove us home, as he was the only sober one by the end of the night.

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