극과 극 (opposite)

90 3 0

Wheather feelin' hot or cold, Stray kids going fast or slow

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

Red light green light, swag bye or wassup man

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

O X O X, I don't know anything else

O X O X, ending up with O

Weather feelin' hot or cold, Stray kids going fast or slow

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

Not this, that, not that, this, I'm on the fence, please take away my ambiguity

Ice, no, hot, cold bath, no hot bath

If there's more than 3 choices, I can't pick an answer

A chameleon with black and white, I'm getting dizzy, just pick one

It's the same when practicing, I hate either side

I need to cool my head by going to the game room

Wheather feelin' hot or cold, Stray kids going fast or slow

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

Red light green light, swag bye or wassup man

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

O X O X, I don't know anything else

O X O X, ending up with O

Weather feelin' hot or cold, Stray kids going fast or slow

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

Should the lighting be light or black out? Should my clothes be white or black?

Will I ever be able to live affirmatively? IfI wear this or not...

What if I become a fashion terror... It's not like I'm too scared

I just don't like being unable to decide, I hate when people say to go hide in the middle

When I'm going to do something without doubt, I haven't even started

When I'm going to do something in the middle, I'm already halfway

When I did it surely, I got nothing, when I did it in the middle, I'm all here

It's not low definition and I can't see

It's high definition and I can see well

I don't know wether to go or not

I prefer mom over dad, I prefer dad over mom

I can't choose either, imma say I like both

Short sleeves in the winter, heating pads in the summer, I need to do that for it tob e okay

O X O X, I don't know anything else

O X O X, ending up with O

Weather feelin' hot or cold, Stray kids going fast or slow

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

It's either up or down, there's no in-between

Work hard, I hate going down

Whoo, whoo, whoo

Stray kids on the block

Walking here and there, oh my gosh, plus and minus, take a pick

When I practise, I need to control my strenght and find my point

I keep trying but it won't turn out how I want it to

Polar opposites, doing well in both

Polar opposites, winning in both sides

Weather feelin' hot or cold, Stray kids going fast or slow

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

Red light green light, swag bye or wassup man

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

O X O X, I don't know anything else

O X O X, ending up with O

Weather feelin' hot or cold, Stray kids going fast or slow

North pole or south pole life, extreme opposites

It's not easy

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