Forth's heart

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A/N------hi friends, this story will be literally run from this chapter......sorry guys ,as i mentioned before time is a very big restraint for me....i think hardly with 3 to 4 chapters i will end this story. 

3rd person POV:

Fame, Beauty and Bright quickly became friends with their respective choice of mother's. 
Fame advises Lam to confess Forth that he loves him.

On the other hand Beauty tries her best to connect her uncle Wayo with Forth.

Bright knows Beam's feelings for Forth but he did not do anything.....he is confident that their parents are fated to each other and don't need any help from him.

As time passes....

Forth understood that people are talking about his relationship with Wayo wanted to clear the misunderstanding....he met Phana and Wayo ,explained them how he considers Wayo as a little brother who just needs protection....he also promised Wayo he will root for their relationship and help them in the future if they face  any problems. 

Beauty first felt sad hearing about them but was also happy thinking that how much his father loves mother and she also started to root for ForthBeam.

But unlike Beauty, Fame was very concerned about his uncle Lam ....he was determined to help him.

Lam was still not confident that if Forth will accept his confession or not ....but Fame lied....saying that how Forth also wants more than friendship in their relationship.....Fame also suggested Lam to confess his feelings on campus moon ceremony after Forth plays guitar singing a song. 

But the fact that no one knows is how much Forth loves Beam.....Forth started loving Beam from first year in the campus moon competition when Beam gave Forth a rose instead of Phana....Forth was so happy that he wanted to say I love you but instead he settled for Thank you....Everyone thought Forth is brave...but no he was not....he was afraid that by confessing to Beam ,he will also lose him as a friend along with rejection from him......but this time Forth wants to confess his love to Beam by his song...he decided to take a risk and beg Beam to stay at least as a friend if Forth got rejected by Beam.

When Beam came to know about how Forth considered Wayo as a brother...his feelings for Forth he decided to give a chance to his love and confess to Forth...he is also afraid about rejection but he does not want regret his whole thinking that how he did not even give a chance to love.

Campus moon Ceremony Day.....

Bright ,Beauty and Fame ....none of them knows what is going to happen.

Forth,Beam and Lam were all excited and tensed about their confessions.

Forth sang a love song and is only watching Beam from the audience..After the song ended Forth took the mike to his hand and said " I want to dedicate this song to my first love...Beam"

Everyone in the ceremony got shocked hearing this including Forth's children. 

Except for two people Lam and Beam....Lam was sad while Beam was happy 

Then Forth continued with a wide smile on his face " Beam i started loving the moment you gave me a rose in our last year Campus moon competition but I was afraid that I might lose your friendship also,so Beam please stay as my friend even if you reject me"

Hearing that Beam slowly walked towards Forth and gave him a flower saying that "I love you Forth....I love you a lot".

Forth took the flower and hugged Beam and said that"  I love you too Beam".

The three children are more shocked then others because this was not the story they knew....according to their version... Wayo was Forth's first love and loving Beam only started with the one night stand after getting rejected by Wayo.

Fame saw how his uncle Lam left with tears in his eyes....he went to the Dorm and saw uncle Lam is sad ....he went slowly to him and said sorry for giving him false hope about Forth....Lam quickly wiped his tears and said that at first I was sad but now I  am happy because I got a closure for my one side love....Lam also said that he needs some time out and that he is going to his home town. ...Fame felt sad but he said ok ...understanding the situation. 

Forth dropped Beam at his Dorm and gave him a Good night kiss.At first Beam got flustered but he also gave a Good night kiss to Forth and quickly ran into his Dorm....seeing him Forth thought how adorable is his lover......Forth was very happy unknown to the  big storm waiting for him at his room. 

Forth went to his Dorm and is searching for Lam to share his happiness with his best friend. He tried to call him but Lam switches off his phone...when Forth entered his room he saw Fame with tears in his eyes and asked him what happened and where is Lam.

Fame slowly saw up to his father and said that" you are the reason he left broke his heart"...then slowly Fame explained Forth that how much Lam loved him all this time...Forth was shocked hearing that and he said he saw Lam only as his best friend and nothing else. 

Fame knows he can't change his father brain but at same time he does not want his father to be left alone for the rest of his life after Beam he decided to use his last card...saying about them.

Fame said" i want a promise from you Forth".


Fame---Promise me if you and Lam are single when you're 35 years old then you will marry him.

At the same time when Fame was speaking Bright, Beauty and Pete came there....they are also shocked hearing what Fame said along with Forth.

Immediately Bright tried to stop his brother but Fame shooking his head and said " No Bro ,this has to be done or else our father will be left alone all his life inspite of our efforts."


 I need to sleep....

Next chapter i will try to update tomorrow...

And once again sorry for making this story run....

But if I did not change the story I probably would have made Forth date both Wayo and Lam for at least a month...

Even I felt sorry for this current version of Lam but don't be he will also find his soul mate very soon which I will make only brief...

Actually I wanted to give some side story to Bright and Pete ,bit now I can't....

Now I feeling sorry for myself that I failed to give importance to all the characters. 

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