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What? Mate?

  ...and when one of them meets the other half,  

the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort,

 the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and 

intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight,

 as I may say, even for a moment..."  

Valerie's pov:

"Should I be angry with you or should I be happy that you are back?" - I asked Ivory. Currently I was seated in the temple and trying to sort things with my wolf. For any werewolf , when there is discrepancy between the man and wolf they can talk it face to face in the astral world. Yes, that is what i was doing right now. Talking to Ivory in the astral form. I sat cross legged in front the huge white wolf  who hung her head in shame. 

"Forgive me Ri, I couldn't bear so much pain and betrayal at once." As if I could.


"Darling I consider only you as the most beautiful she-wolf suitable to become Beta Female" - said Kai. Kai the soon-to-be-beta of Pyra pack. "Do you think that your pack will accept me? " Valerie asked unsure. Sitting in front the MidLand High School For Young  Werewolves Kai was pleading Valerie to join him to celebrate his 20th birthday, when he would be declared as the Beta of the Pyra Pack. "There is so much more waiting for you there" said Myra, Valerie's best friend. The words had a meaning beyond Valerie's thoughts. 

Standing in the hall full of unknown wolves and looking for Kai , Valerie was getting more agitated. Her hands were getting clammy. Where was Kai? Why was he late for his own birthday. He was supposed to introduce her to the Alpha and Luna of the Pyra pack. Suddenly her eyes caught Rex walking. Rex was Kai's best friend. She ran to catch up with him. "Rex.. Rex ! Where is Kai?" she asked. "Ugh.. I really don't know Val" he said. "He is lying" -Ivory said . "Tell me where is he" my voice quivered. Rex sighed and pulled me along with him. We walked out of the pack house and crossed many houses. Finally we stopped in front of Myra's house. "What is he..." Valerie couldn't complete her sentence as it was cut off by a loud moan. Out of impulse Valerie ran inside . The bedroom door opened to find naked Kai and Myra. Had Rex not pulled Valerie maybe Myra would have died. Ivory completely had taken over her. Out of everyone else , Kai cheated on her with her so called best friend? Myra was everything she wasn't. Beautiful, bold, a perfect model body but Kai said he was not interested in her. 

What broke her more was that the following day the Alpha asked her to leave the pack and never return. "Won't you punish him? He cheated on me!" Valerie shouted. " Why should we?" said the Luna. "Myra is his mate. If anything else that needs to be done is you to get a life. Funny how you thought that you could be part of Pyra pack" she snickered. Valerie looked at Kai who had a steely look on his face. Rex was kind enough to escort her out of the pack borders. "Val, it was all a plan. Kai forever knew Myra was his mate. They just used you as a pawn." he said. "Pawn?" Valerie asked. "To break you to an extent that your wolf and you get detached. Look I can't tell you everything but just know you have my support no matter what." and with that Valerie walked away from Pyra pack. 

***Flashback ends***

"Do you think it was my fault" I asked Ivory silently. "No Ri never! Just that we cannot trust anyone " Ivory said. I nodded. "We should get back to the party" Ivory said. I nodded and focused on getting out of the astral  realm. Standing up I stretched my legs. The party must have already started. I only have to stay till the announcement made by Arch. I walked quickly towards the ballroom. No I was not afraid of anyone. Moreover I had Ivory now. I entered the kitchen from the backdoor. Walking slowly i peeked from the curtains and spotted Mama and Arch looking tensed. Keeping my chin high i walked towards them. Mama saw me first and hugged me. Arch nodded and then cleared his throat, and suddenly the lights focused on him. "Good evening my dear friends. Thank you for joining us this Halloween Ball. Like every year this ball is kept with a motive for new soon-to-be-Alphas to socialize, if lucky enough find their mates and also to forget old feuds and start anew. But this year I have a special announcement to make. Like every year our dear Alpha's introduce their son's or daughters and their betas it is a privilege for an Oracle too to introduce his children." I could see in the faint light the confused expressions mirroring mine. Everyone knew Archibald and Mama Jenny had no children. "I introduce to you, Daughter of Oracle Archibald - Valerie Sanders". 

The room broke into hushed murmurs and my throat felt dry. I could hear my heart hammering and I think everyone else could. But then a loud booming voice shut all the whispers, "You are lying. You have no children , we all know about it. Even if you had at least he or she won't be as pathetic as her". It was none other than Alpha of the Pyra pack. "Of course Daughter of an Oracle can never be a slut". The women gasped, and a growl was heard. I turned my head to see a sight i never wanted to see, Arch was fuming with anger. I remember when I was five a guard had slapped me for going to the stables. Arch's anger was beyond bound and had Mama Jenny not interrupted him, the guard would have been killed. Suddenly a strong smell of pinewoods and wet soil hit me. "No one talks to her like that! I repeat - NO ONE" said a voice much stronger, so strong that even the Alphas had the urge to bow down. As i turned to see the owner of the voice, Ivory whispered, "Mate".


Long time no updates! -_- oopsie. 

1080 words. 

Finally ... Drum rolls!!! We have Xanders!!! Next update coming soon. 

Love S. B💗

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