Table of Contents

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1. The Siblings who lived... 

2. The Vanishing Glass... 

3. The Letters from No One... 

4. The Keepers of the Keys... 

5. Diagon Alley... 

6. The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-quarters... 

7. The Sorting Hat...

8. The Potions Master...

9. The Midnight Duel...

10. Halloween... 

11. Quidditch... 

12. The Mirror of Erised... 

13. Nicolas Flamel... 

14. Norbert The Norwegian Ridgeback... 

15. The Forbidden Forest... 

16. Through the Trapdoor... 

17. The Man with Two Faces...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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