Ch. 20: A Choice with No Regrets

Start from the beginning

It was times like these I was able to be sincere with another human being, without having to construct a faux impression of myself in order to normalize my position in society. With Levi, I could be frank when he was in my company, as he had been with me on multiple occasions prior. I could confess to him anything, and his views on me wouldn't dare shift in another direction. He wasn't a judgmental individual, nor was he selfish when it came to the people close to him. He had shown me that he was a person with a munificent amount of kindness to give, no matter the person receiving it; Erwin being a perfect example of his magnanimous qualities.

I loved him, truly, and the security he inexplicitly promised me was a sign of bountiful trust in our partnership.

"It'll probably sound inappropriate for me to say," I said as I wiped a laugh-induced tear from the corner of my eyes, "but can I ask you a question?"

"Technically, you just did," Levi jeered. "I suppose you can ask another though."

I cleared my throat and blinked a few times, unsure how to articulate my thoughts correctly without being too blunt. "Do you remember, the first night we had sex, Levi?" I queried, olive hues half-lidded with content as I gazed at the raven-haired male.

Levi's narrowed eyes enlarged a minor fraction, his lips parting slightly and cheeks glowing a pastel pink at my words. "O-Of course," he answered sheepishly. "It was the night I invited you over, since I was released from the hospital. I disclosed to you the truth about Erwin, and we consented to the act in order to relieve your heartache."

My lips twitched into a affectionate smile. "To be honest, you were only the second person I've ever been with sexually. Shocking, isn't it? Although, there were many partners before you, but those relationships were short-lived, given my trust issues towards a serious companionship." 

Nestling my lower half comfortably underneath the blankets, I continued, "I remember our first night together; vividly, in fact. I remember how I adored your touch roaming my body and the numbing kisses you pressed against my lips, or the way you gripped my thighs and pulled my hips closer to yours. I had never felt such an everlasting passion and kindness before, not even the first few times I was with Pierce.

"Despite everything, you allowed me to peruse your own body at my leisure, and follow my instincts concerning lovemaking. It was odd, since Pierce was always the one ordering demands while we were together, and I had been brainwashed in submission. You showed me that a woman does have power within a bedroom, and on countless occasions, outside as well, in the business and reality world, that is."

Levi merely shook his head, smiling. "I couldn't have possibly done all that," he remarked, rainy irises glimmering with heartfelt emotions.

"Oh, but you did, darling," I reassured, skimming my thumb over his skin tenderly. "I trusted you with my body and emotions, and you repaid me tenfold the amount. That's why . . . I consider the first time we made love the moment I truly lost my virginity. Sure, I had believed Pierce subsequently taken what I thought was rightfully his, but when I met you and fell in love, I realized how wrong I had been. 

"I belonged with you, Levi, and only you."

Levi fluttered his lashes, complexion darker than before. "You . . . believe in soulmates?" he inquired, a twinge of endearment in his monotonous voice.

My lips curled fondly. "You made me believe in them."

There was a pool of warmth building up within my abdomen, and by the look on Levi's face when he gazed at me, he was surely experiencing the same feeling.

Unlacing our entwined hands, I placed my right one on Levi's thigh and brought the other up to caress his jawline. Upon my amorous actions, Levi wound his left arm around my waist, the smile still visible on his porcelain features. I took a moment to study the delicateness etched into his expression, to soak in the microscopic details I had become smitten with. If it were possible, I would have melted into a feverish puddle from the tender stares we were exchanging with one another.

I Have An Objection! [ Levi x OC ] [ Moderate Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now